Robert Page Song List
Requiem: Lux Aeterna - For My Mother (Live)
Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Robert Page & Academy Chamber Orchestra
Requiem: Offertorium (Live)
Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Robert Page & Academy Chamber Orchestra
Requiem: Rex Tremendae (Live)
Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Robert Page & Academy Chamber Orchestra
Requiem: Quid Sum Miser (Live)
Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Robert Page & Academy Chamber Orchestra
Requiem: Requiem Aeternam (Live)
Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Robert Page & Academy Chamber Orchestra
Ouverture solennelle, Op. 49 "1812"
Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Temple University Choirs, Robert Page & The Philadelphia Brass Bands
Death of Columbus: Act II Scene 7, "Perdonadme" (Forgive Me): Ave Verum Corpus, Natum de Maria Virgine (Monks, Columbus)
Jon Garrison, Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Katy Shackleton-Williams, Judith Jenkins, Katherine Mueller, David Okerlund, Arturo Martin, Dimitrie Lazich, Raymond Blackwell, Milutin Lazich, Robert Page, Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon Repertory Chorus & Brent Stater
Death of Columbus: Act II Scene 6, "Apocalipsis" (Apocalypse): Ellos Son los Verdaderos Heroes (Mysterious Character, Monks, Columbus, Voices, Apocalyptic, Apocalyptic Characters 2, 3, 4, Beatrice, Isabella)
Jon Garrison, Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Katy Shackleton-Williams, Judith Jenkins, Katherine Mueller, David Okerlund, Arturo Martin, Dimitrie Lazich, Raymond Blackwell, Milutin Lazich, Robert Page, Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon Repertory Chorus & Brent Stater
Death of Columbus: Act II Scene 5, "Los Heroes" (The Heroes): Colon! Yo, Vespucio! (Vespucci, Magellan, Columbus, Mysterious Character, Monks, Bolivar, Zapata)
Jon Garrison, Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Katy Shackleton-Williams, Judith Jenkins, Katherine Mueller, David Okerlund, Arturo Martin, Dimitrie Lazich, Raymond Blackwell, Milutin Lazich, Robert Page, Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon Repertory Chorus & Brent Stater
Death of Columbus: Act II Scene 4, "Lecho de Muerte 4" (Death-Bed 4): Mal Supisteis Llevar de la Mano (Mysterious Character, Columbus, Monks)
Jon Garrison, Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Katy Shackleton-Williams, Judith Jenkins, Katherine Mueller, David Okerlund, Arturo Martin, Dimitrie Lazich, Raymond Blackwell, Milutin Lazich, Robert Page, Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon Repertory Chorus & Brent Stater
Death of Columbus: Act II Scene 3, "Amadisimas" (Beloved Ones!): Cristobal … (Beatrice, Queen Isabella, Columbus)
Jon Garrison, Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Katy Shackleton-Williams, Judith Jenkins, Katherine Mueller, David Okerlund, Arturo Martin, Dimitrie Lazich, Raymond Blackwell, Milutin Lazich, Robert Page, Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon Repertory Chorus & Brent Stater
Death of Columbus: Act II Scene 2, "Lecho de Muerte 3" (Death-Bed 3): Aaje, Aaja, Aajo … (Indians, Mysterious Character, Columbus, Monks)
Jon Garrison, Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Katy Shackleton-Williams, Judith Jenkins, Katherine Mueller, David Okerlund, Arturo Martin, Dimitrie Lazich, Raymond Blackwell, Milutin Lazich, Robert Page, Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon Repertory Chorus & Brent Stater
Death of Columbus: Act II Scene 1, "En un Poblado Indio" (In an Indian Villaga): Dance: Ay! (Voices)
Jon Garrison, Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Katy Shackleton-Williams, Judith Jenkins, Katherine Mueller, David Okerlund, Arturo Martin, Dimitrie Lazich, Raymond Blackwell, Milutin Lazich, Robert Page, Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon Repertory Chorus & Brent Stater
Death of Columbus: Act I Scene 8, "Los Colones" (The Columbuses): Los Colones, los Hijos, los Hermanos (Hernando, Diego (son), Diego (brother), Bartholomew)
Jon Garrison, Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Katy Shackleton-Williams, Judith Jenkins, Katherine Mueller, David Okerlund, Arturo Martin, Dimitrie Lazich, Raymond Blackwell, Milutin Lazich, Robert Page, Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon Repertory Chorus & Brent Stater
Death of Columbus: Act I Scene 7, "Jerusalen" (Jerusalem): Ja, Ja, Ja! (Courtiers, Columbus, Queen Isabella)
Jon Garrison, Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Katy Shackleton-Williams, Judith Jenkins, Katherine Mueller, David Okerlund, Arturo Martin, Dimitrie Lazich, Raymond Blackwell, Milutin Lazich, Robert Page, Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon Repertory Chorus & Brent Stater
Death of Columbus: Act I Scene 6, "Mirad" (Look): Doliente Mi Cuerpo, Con Sangre Mi Alma (Columbus)
Jon Garrison, Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Katy Shackleton-Williams, Judith Jenkins, Katherine Mueller, David Okerlund, Arturo Martin, Dimitrie Lazich, Raymond Blackwell, Milutin Lazich, Robert Page, Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon Repertory Chorus & Brent Stater
Death of Columbus: Act I Scene 5: Bobadilla: Ese, Colon, Ese Extranjero Esta Llevado de la Mano (Margarit, Juan Aguado, Friar Boil, Bobadilla, Queen Isabella, King Ferdinand)
Jon Garrison, Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Katy Shackleton-Williams, Judith Jenkins, Katherine Mueller, David Okerlund, Arturo Martin, Dimitrie Lazich, Raymond Blackwell, Milutin Lazich, Robert Page, Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon Repertory Chorus & Brent Stater
Death of Columbus: Act I Scene 4, "Lecho de Muerte 2" (Death-Bed 2): Bien Seria Aquello el Paraiso, Libres las Gentes (Columbus, Mysterious Character, Monks)
Jon Garrison, Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Katy Shackleton-Williams, Judith Jenkins, Katherine Mueller, David Okerlund, Arturo Martin, Dimitrie Lazich, Raymond Blackwell, Milutin Lazich, Robert Page, Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon Repertory Chorus & Brent Stater
Death of Columbus: Act I Scene 3b, "En un Poblado Indio-pillaje" (In an Indian Village-Pillage): Yeee, Yeje, Yajo, Eee (Indian, Voices of Spaniards)
Jon Garrison, Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Katy Shackleton-Williams, Judith Jenkins, Katherine Mueller, David Okerlund, Arturo Martin, Dimitrie Lazich, Raymond Blackwell, Milutin Lazich, Robert Page, Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon Repertory Chorus & Brent Stater
Death of Columbus: Act I Scene 3a, "En un Poblado Indio" (In an Indian Village): Song: Uuuuaaa, Uuuoaaa, Daaaee, Uooaaa (Indian Voice)
Jon Garrison, Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Katy Shackleton-Williams, Judith Jenkins, Katherine Mueller, David Okerlund, Arturo Martin, Dimitrie Lazich, Raymond Blackwell, Milutin Lazich, Robert Page, Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon Repertory Chorus & Brent Stater
Death of Columbus: Act I Scene 2, "Lecho de Muerte 1" (Death-Bed 1): Mis Ojos Cansados (Columbus, Mysterious Character, Monks)
Jon Garrison, Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Katy Shackleton-Williams, Judith Jenkins, Katherine Mueller, David Okerlund, Arturo Martin, Dimitrie Lazich, Raymond Blackwell, Milutin Lazich, Robert Page, Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon Repertory Chorus & Brent Stater
Death of Columbus: Act I Scene 1, "Barcelona - Retorno de Colon" (Barcelona - Return of Columbus): Ave Verum Corpus Natum de Maria Virgine (Monks, Citizens, Queen Isabella, King Ferdinand, Columbus, Fernando)
Jon Garrison, Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Katy Shackleton-Williams, Judith Jenkins, Katherine Mueller, David Okerlund, Arturo Martin, Dimitrie Lazich, Raymond Blackwell, Milutin Lazich, Robert Page, Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon Repertory Chorus & Brent Stater
The Planets, Op. 32: VII. Neptune, the Mystic
Eugene Ormandy, Mary Zatzman, Robert Page & The Philadelphia Orchestra
1812 Overture
Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra, The Philadelphia Brass Bands, Temple University Choirs & Robert Page
Angels We Have Heard on High
Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra, The Philadelphia Orchestra Chorus & Robert Page
Good King Wenceslas
Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra Chorus, The Philadelphia Orchestra & Robert Page
The First Nowell
Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra, The Philadelphia Orchestra Chorus & Robert Page
Away in a Manger
Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra, The Philadelphia Orchestra Chorus & Robert Page
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Eugene Ormandy, Robert Page, The Philadelphia Orchestra & The Philadelphia Orchestra Chorus
A Symphony: New England Holidays (Holidays Symphony), for Orchestra, S.5 (K.1A4): Thanksgiving and Forefathers' Day (2003 Remastered Version)
Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Temple University Choirs & Robert Page
A Symphony: New England Holidays (Holidays Symphony), for Orchestra, S.5 (K.1A4): The Fourth of July (2003 Remastered Version)
Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Temple University Choirs & Robert Page
A Symphony: New England Holidays (Holidays Symphony), for Orchestra, S.5 (K.1A4): Decoration Day (2003 Remastered Version)
Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Temple University Choirs & Robert Page
A Symphony: New England Holidays (Holidays Symphony), for Orchestra, S.5 (K.1A4): Washington's Birthday (2003 Remastered Version)
Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Temple University Choirs & Robert Page
Escenas Borrascosas (Thunderous Scenes): ¡Perdoname!
Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Robert Page, Juan Pablo Izquierdo, Matthew Walley, Katy Shackelton-Williams & Nancy Maria Balach
Escenas Borrascosas (Thunderous Scenes): ¡Amadísimas!
Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Juan Pablo Izquierdo, Robert Page, Nancy Maria Balach, Katy Shackelton-Williams & Matthew Walley
Escenas Borrascosas (Thunderous Scenes): Jerusalén
Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Robert Page, Juan Pablo Izquierdo, Nancy Maria Balach, Matthew Walley & Katy Shackelton-Williams
Escenas Borrascosas (Thunderous Scenes): ¡Mirad!
Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, Juan Pablo Izquierdo, Robert Page, Nancy Maria Balach, Matthew Walley & Katy Shackelton-Williams
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra, The Philadelphia Orchestra Chorus & Robert Page
The Messiah: Hallelujah Chorus
Eugene Ormandy, Robert Page, The Philadelphia Orchestra Chorus & The Philadelphia Orchestra
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Temple University Concert Choir & Robert Page
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Robert Page & Temple University Concert Choir
Silent Night, Holy Night
Eugene Ormandy, Robert Page, Temple University Concert Choir & The Philadelphia Orchestra
The Worship of God
Eugene Ormandy, Robert Page, Temple University Concert Choir & The Philadelphia Orchestra
O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles)
Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Temple University Concert Choir & Robert Page
O Holy Night (Cantique de Noël)
Eugene Ormandy, Temple University Concert Choir, The Philadelphia Orchestra & Robert Page
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Robert Page & Temple University Concert Choir
Silent Night
Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra Chorus, The Philadelphia Orchestra & Robert Page