The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford Song List
In the Bleak Mid-Winter (Arr. John Bertalot)
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford & Benjamin Nicholas
The Christmas Story, Candlemas: VII. Anna’s Song
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas & Owen Chan
The Christmas Story, Epiphany: V. A Guest at Cana
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas & François Cloete
The Christmas Story, Christmas: III. Lullaby of the Beasts
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas & Owen Chan
The Christmas Story, Advent: III. Expecting
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas & François Cloete
The Christmas Story, Candlemas: IX. O nata lux de lumine
Choir of Merton College, Oxford, Oxford Contemporary Sinfonia, Benjamin Nicholas, The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford & François Cloete
All People That on Earth Do Dwell (Old Hundredth) [Arr. for Choir, Brass and Organ by Roy Douglas] [Fauxbourdon in Verse 4 by John Dowland]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas, Merton Brass & François Cloete
In the Hour of My Distress (Litany to the Holy Spirit)
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas & Owen Chan
Sweet Sacrament Divine (Divine Mysteries)
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas & Owen Chan
Creator of the Stars of Night (Conditor Alma Siderum) [Harmony by John Henry Arnold]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas & François Cloete
And Did Those Feet in Ancient Time (Jerusalem)
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas & François Cloete
Be Thou My Vision, O Lord of My Heart (Slane) [Arr. for Choir and Organ by Erik Routley] [Descant by John Scott]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas & François Cloete
The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, is Ended (St Clement) [Descant by John Scott]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas & François Cloete
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind (Repton) [Descant by John Scott]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas & François Cloete
Christ is Made the Sure Foundation (Westminster Abbey) [Verse 5 Arr. by James O’Donnell]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas, Merton Brass & Owen Chan
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (Kingsfold)
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas & Owen Chan
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (Praise My Soul) [Descant by Alan Gray]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas & François Cloete
Before the Ending of the Day (Te Lucis Ante Terminum) [Plainsong, Harmony by John Henry Arnold]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford & Benjamin Nicholas
Be Still, My Soul (Finlandia)
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas & Owen Chan
All my Hope on God is Founded (Michael) [Arr. for Choir, Organ, Brass and Percussion by Christopher Palmer and Andrew Senn]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas, Merton Brass & Owen Chan
Abide with Me (Eventide) [Descant by David Willcocks]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas & François Cloete
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Blaenwern) [Descant by John Scott]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas & François Cloete
Drop, Drop, Slow Tears (Song 46)
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas & Owen Chan
Make We Merry: Sweet Was the Song
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas & Simon Hogan
Come, Thou Redeemer of the Earth (Arr. G.R. Woodward / David Willcocks, Descant by John Scott)
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford & Benjamin Nicholas
There is a Flower Springing (English Translation by Ursula Wood)
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford & Benjamin Nicholas
Up! Good Christen Folk (Arr. G.R. Woodward)
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford & Benjamin Nicholas
Rocking Carol (Arr. Edward Higginbottom)
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford & Benjamin Nicholas
Sing to the Infant Boy
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford, Benjamin Nicholas & Simon Hogan
Infant Holy (Arr. Michael Nicholas)
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford & Benjamin Nicholas
Carol of the Bells (Arr. Peter J. Wilhousky)
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford & Benjamin Nicholas