Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus Song List
Altri canti di Marte - (G.B. Marino)/Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi (Book VIII): b) "Due belli occhi"
English Baroque Orchestra, Clifford Grant, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus, Members of the English Chamber Orchestra, Osian Ellis, Robert Spencer, Henry Ward & Raymond Leppard
Altri canti di Marte - (G.B. Marino)/Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi (Book VIII): a) "Altri canti di Marte"
English Baroque Orchestra, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus, Members of the English Chamber Orchestra, Osian Ellis, Robert Spencer, Henry Ward & Raymond Leppard
Il ballo (per l'Imperatore Ferdinando) - (O. Rinuccini)/Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi (Book VIII): b) "Movete al mio bel suon"
Henry Ward, Raymond Leppard, English Baroque Orchestra, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus, Members of the English Chamber Orchestra & Robert Spencer
Hor ch'el ciel e la terra - (F. Petrarca)/Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi (Book VIII): a) "Hor ch'el ciel e la terra"
English Baroque Orchestra, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus, Members of the English Chamber Orchestra, Henry Ward & Raymond Leppard
Hor ch'el ciel e la terra - (F. Petrarca)/Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi (Book VIII): b) "Così sol d'una chiara fonte"
English Baroque Orchestra, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus, Members of the English Chamber Orchestra, Henry Ward & Raymond Leppard
Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603): Ohime se tanto amate
Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus, Raymond Leppard, Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Helen Watts, Bernard Dickerson, Robert Tear, Stafford Dean & Christopher Keyte
Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603): Anima del cor mio
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Helen Watts, Bernard Dickerson, Robert Tear, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603): Non piu guerra pietate
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Helen Watts, Bernard Dickerson, Robert Tear, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603): Anima mia perdona.Che se tu se'il cor mio
Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus, Raymond Leppard, Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Helen Watts, Bernard Dickerson, Robert Tear, Stafford Dean & Christopher Keyte
Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603): Cor mio mentre vi miro
Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus, Raymond Leppard, Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Helen Watts, Bernard Dickerson, Robert Tear, Stafford Dean & Christopher Keyte
Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603): Piagne e sospira
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Helen Watts, Bernard Dickerson, Robert Tear, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603): Anima dolorosa
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Helen Watts, Bernard Dickerson, Robert Tear, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603): La piaga c'ho nel core
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Helen Watts, Bernard Dickerson, Robert Tear, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603): Volgea l'anima mia
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Helen Watts, Bernard Dickerson, Robert Tear, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Il ballo (per l'Imperatore Ferdinando) - (O. Rinuccini)/Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi (Book VIII): d) "Ei l'armi cinse"
Henry Ward, Raymond Leppard, English Baroque Orchestra, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus, Members of the English Chamber Orchestra & Robert Spencer
Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603): Quel augellin che canta
Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus, Raymond Leppard, Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Helen Watts, Bernard Dickerson, Robert Tear, Stafford Dean & Christopher Keyte
Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603): Si ch'io vorrei morire
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Helen Watts, Bernard Dickerson, Robert Tear, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603): Luci serene e chiare
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Helen Watts, Bernard Dickerson, Robert Tear, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603): Longe da te cor mio
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Helen Watts, Bernard Dickerson, Robert Tear, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603): A un giro sol de'begl'occhi
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Helen Watts, Bernard Dickerson, Robert Tear, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603): Io me son giovinetta
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Helen Watts, Bernard Dickerson, Robert Tear, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603): Voi pur da me partite
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Helen Watts, Bernard Dickerson, Robert Tear, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603): Sfogava con le stelle
Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus, Raymond Leppard, Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Helen Watts, Bernard Dickerson, Robert Tear, Stafford Dean & Christopher Keyte
Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603): Ah dolente partita
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Helen Watts, Bernard Dickerson, Robert Tear, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Chi vol haver felice - (G.B. Guarini)/Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi (Book VIII)
Raymond Leppard, Angela Bostock, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Henry Ward
Dolcissimo uscignuolo - (G.B. Guarini)/Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi (Book VIII)
Raymond Leppard, Yvonne Fuller, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Henry Ward
Vago augelletto - (F. Petrarca)/Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi (Book VIII)
Yvonne Fuller, Angela Bostock, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus, English Baroque Orchestra, Osian Ellis, Robert Spencer, Members of the English Chamber Orchestra, Henry Ward & Raymond Leppard
Ardo, avvampo - (Anonymous)/Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi (Book VIII)
Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus, Henry Ward & Raymond Leppard
Altri canti d'Amor - (Anonymous, after G.B. Marino)/Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi (Book VIII): Sinfonia - "Altri canti d'Amor"
English Baroque Orchestra, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus, Members of the English Chamber Orchestra, Henry Ward & Raymond Leppard
Rimanti in pace - (L. Celiano)/Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III): Pt. I: "Rimanti in pace" - Pt. II: "Ond'ei di morte"
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Anne Collins, Gerald English, Ian Partridge, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Lumi miei, cari - (G.B. Guarini)/Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Anne Collins, Gerald English, Ian Partridge, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Vivrò fra i miei tormenti - (T. Tasso, Gerusalemme liberata, Canto XII)/Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III): Pt. I: "Vivrò fra i miei tormenti" - Pt. II: "Ma dove, o lasso me" - Pt. III: "Io pur verrò"
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Anne Collins, Gerald English, Ian Partridge, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Occhi un tempo mia vita - (G.B. Guarini)/Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Anne Collins, Gerald English, Ian Partridge, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Ch'io non t'ami - (G.B. Guarini)/Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Anne Collins, Gerald English, Ian Partridge, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Perfidissimo volto - (G.B. Guarini)/Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Anne Collins, Gerald English, Ian Partridge, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
O primavera - (G.B. Guarini, Il pastor fido)/Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Anne Collins, Gerald English, Ian Partridge, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Vattene pur, crudel - (T. Tasso, Gerusalemme liberata, Canto XVI)/Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III): Pt. I: "Vattene pur, crudel" - Pt. II: "Là tra'l sangu' e le morti" - Pt. III: "Poi ch'ella in sè tornò"
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Anne Collins, Gerald English, Ian Partridge, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Se per estremo ardore - (G.B. Guarini)/Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Anne Collins, Gerald English, Ian Partridge, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
O rossignuol - (P. Bembo)/Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Anne Collins, Gerald English, Ian Partridge, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Stracciami pur il core - (G.B. Guarini)/Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Anne Collins, Gerald English, Ian Partridge, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
O dolce anima mia - (G.B. Guarini)/Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Anne Collins, Gerald English, Ian Partridge, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard
Sovra tenere herbette - Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong, Wendy Eathorne, Lillian Watson, Alfreda Hodgson, Anne Collins, Gerald English, Ian Partridge, Stafford Dean, Christopher Keyte, Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus & Raymond Leppard