Andres Alzate Gaviria Song List
Hamlet, Act V: Horatio, I Am Dead (Hamlet, Horatio, Chorus)
Robert Wagner, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher & Timothy Schmidt
Hamlet, Act V: Oh, Villainy! Villainy! (Hamlet, Laertes, Chorus, King)
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria & Robert Wagner
Hamlet, Act V: They Play for the Third Time (Osric, Horatio, Laertes, Hamlet, King, Queen)
Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Robert Wagner, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Timothy Schmidt, Alexander Kaimbacher, Steven Scheschareg, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský & Zerotin Academic Choir
Hamlet, Act V: Hamlet and Laertes Play Their First Bout (Hamlet, Laertes, Osric, King, Queen)
Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Timothy Schmidt, Michelle Vought, Andres Alzate Gaviria, Robert Wagner, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland & Konstantinos klironomos
Hamlet, Act V: A Table Is Prepared (King, Queen, Laertes, Hamlet, Osric)
Zerotin Academic Choir, Timothy Schmidt, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Robert Wagner, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Jolene McCleland, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra & Christopher Hollingsworth
Hamlet, Act V: Here's the Commission (Hamlet, Horatio, Osric)
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria & Robert Wagner
Hamlet, Act V: Oh, Treble Woe (Laertes, Hamlet, Queen, Horatio, King)
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos, Robert Wagner & Andres Alzate Gaviria
Hamlet, Act V: Sweets to the Sweet (Queen, Laertes)
Andres Alzate Gaviria, Robert Wagner, Konstantinos klironomos, Jolene McCleland, Christopher Hollingsworth, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Steven Scheschareg, Michelle Vought, Zerotin Academic Choir & Petr Vronský
Hamlet, Act V: Dies Irae, Dies Illa (Chorus, Hamlet, Horatio, Laertes, Priest)
Timothy Schmidt, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Konstantinos klironomos, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Andres Alzate Gaviria & Robert Wagner
Hamlet, Act V: Is It to Be a Christian Burial? (Grave-digger, Grave-digger's Mate, Hamlet, Horatio)
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria & Robert Wagner
Hamlet, Act IV: Our Sorrows Come So Fast (Queen, Laertes)
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria, Robert Wagner, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský & Zerotin Academic Choir
Hamlet, Act IV: Where Is the King? (Laertes, Queen, King, Ophelia, Messenger)
Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria, Robert Wagner, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher & Timothy Schmidt
Hamlet, Act IV: I Will Not Speak With Her (Queen, Gentleman, Ophelia, King)
Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria, Robert Wagner, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher & Timothy Schmidt
Hamlet, Act IV: Safely Stowed. Who Calls Me? (Hamlet, Rosencrantz, King)
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria & Robert Wagner
Hamlet, Act IV: There's Meaning In These Sighs (King, Queen)
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria, Robert Wagner, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský & Zerotin Academic Choir
Hamlet, Act III Scene 2: But What Have I Done? (Queen, Hamlet, Ghost)
Steven Scheschareg, Robert Wagner, Andres Alzate Gaviria, Konstantinos klironomos, Jolene McCleland, Christopher Hollingsworth, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Alexander Kaimbacher, Michelle Vought, Timothy Schmidt, Petr Vronský & Zerotin Academic Choir
Hamlet, Act III Scene 2: He Will Come Straight (Polonius, Queen, Hamlet)
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria & Robert Wagner
Hamlet, Act III Scene 2: Now While He Is Praying (Hamlet)
Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria, Robert Wagner, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg & Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet, Act III Scene 2: Oh, My Offense Is Rank (King)
Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria, Robert Wagner, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland & Michelle Vought
Hamlet, Act III Scene 2: I Like Him Not (King, Guildenstern, Rosencrantz, Polonius)
Andres Alzate Gaviria, Robert Wagner, Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg & Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet, Act III Scene 1: Tis Now the Very Witching Hour of Night (Hamlet)
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria & Robert Wagner
Hamlet, Act III Scene 1: For Us and for Our Tragedy (Prologue, Player King and Queen, Hamlet, Lucianus, Ophelia, Queen, Polonius, Attendants, King, Horatio)
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria, Robert Wagner, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský & Zerotin Academic Choir
Hamlet, Act III Scene 1: There Is a Play Tonight Before the King (Hamlet, Horatio, Queen, Courtiers, Rosencrantz)
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria & Robert Wagner
Hamlet, Act III Scene 1: Love! His Affections Do Not Tend the Way (King, Polonius)
Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Timothy Schmidt, Michelle Vought, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Andres Alzate Gaviria, Robert Wagner, Jolene McCleland & Konstantinos klironomos
Hamlet, Act III Scene 1: But Sh! the Fair Ophelia! (Hamlet, Ophelia)
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria & Robert Wagner
Hamlet, Act III Scene 1: To Be or Not to Be (Hamlet)
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria & Robert Wagner
Hamlet, Act III Scene 1: The King's Apartment (King, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, Queen, Polonius)
Andres Alzate Gaviria, Robert Wagner, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt & Konstantinos klironomos
Hamlet, Act II Scene 1: My Honoured Lord! (Guildenstern, Rosencrantz, Hamlet, Polonius, First Player)
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria & Robert Wagner
Hamlet, Act II Scene 1: Hamlet Enters, Reading a Book (Hamlet, Polonius)
Andres Alzate Gaviria, Robert Wagner, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland & Michelle Vought
Hamlet, Act II Scene 1: Enter King, Queen, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern and Others (King, Queen, Rosencrantz, Polonius)
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria & Robert Wagner
Hamlet, Act II Scene 1: Oh My Lord, I Have Been So Affrighted (Ophelia, Polonius)
Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt & Robert Wagner
Hamlet, Act I Scene 1: Remember Thee? Oh, Yes, Thou Poor Ghost? (Hamlet, Horatio, Marcellus)
Andres Alzate Gaviria, Robert Wagner, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt & Konstantinos klironomos
Hamlet, Act I Scene 1: Where Willst Thou Lead Me? (Hamlet, Ghost)
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria & Robert Wagner
Hamlet, Act I Scene 1: It Is Very Cold (Hamlet, Horatio, Marcellus, Ghost)
Andres Alzate Gaviria, Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher & Robert Wagner
Hamlet, Act I Scene 1: Enter Laertes and Ophelia, Speaking Together Quietly (Laertes, Ophelia, Polonius)
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria & Robert Wagner
Hamlet, Act I Scene 1: Enter Horatio, Marcellus, Ang Barnardo (Halet, Horatio, Marcellus)
Andres Alzate Gaviria, Robert Wagner, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Konstantinos klironomos, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt & Michelle Vought
Hamlet, Act I Scene 1: Oh, That This Too, Too Solid Flesh Would Melt (Hamlet)
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria, Robert Wagner, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský & Zerotin Academic Choir
Hamlet, Act I Scene 1: Good Halet, Cast Thy Nighted Colour Off (Queen, King, Hamlet)
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria, Robert Wagner, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský & Zerotin Academic Choir
Hamlet, Act I Scene 1: Enter King, Queen, Polonius, Hamlet, and others (Chorus, King, Hamlet)
Robert Wagner, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher, Timothy Schmidt, Konstantinos klironomos & Andres Alzate Gaviria
Hamlet, Act I Scene 1: Who's There? (Barnardo, Francisco, Horatio, Marcellus)
Konstantinos klironomos, Andres Alzate Gaviria, Robert Wagner, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Hollingsworth, Jolene McCleland, Michelle Vought, Petr Vronský, Zerotin Academic Choir, Steven Scheschareg, Alexander Kaimbacher & Timothy Schmidt