Caitlin Hulcup Song List
Symphony No. 2 "Resurrection", Igm 8: V. Im Tempo Des Scherzo
Orchestra of the Music Makers, Caitlin Hulcup, Maior Chorus, Tzelaw Chan & Siobhán Stagg
Symphony No. 2 "Resurrection", Igm 8: IV. Urlicht
Orchestra of the Music Makers, Tzelaw Chan & Caitlin Hulcup
Theodora, HWV 68, Act III: No. 71, Ere This Their Doom Is Past (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Erin Helyard
Theodora, HWV 68, Act III: No. 58, Undaunted in the Court Stands Didymus (Live)
Orchestra of the Antipodes, Erin Helyard, Valda Wilson, Caitlin Hulcup & Andrei Laptev
Theodora, HWV 68, Act III: No. 55, But See, the Good, the Virtuous Didymus (Live)
Orchestra of the Antipodes, Erin Helyard, Valda Wilson & Caitlin Hulcup
Theodora, HWV 68, Act III: No. 54, Lord, to Thee Each Night and Day (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Erin Helyard
Theodora, HWV 68, Act II: No. 52, 'Tis Night, but Night's Sweet Blessing Is Denied (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Erin Helyard
Theodora, HWV 68, Act II: No. 45, Defend Her Heaven! (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Erin Helyard
Theodora, HWV 68, Act II: No. 44, The Clouds Begin to Veil (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Erin Helyard
Theodora, HWV 68, Act I: No. 27, Oh Love, How Great Thy Pow'r! (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Erin Helyard
Theodora, HWV 68, Act I: No. 25, Unhappy, Happy Crew! (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Christopher Lowrey, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Erin Helyard
Theodora, HWV 68, Act I: No. 18, As with Rosy Steps (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Erin Helyard
Theodora, HWV 68, Act I: No. 17, Fly, Fly My Brethren (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Andrei Laptev, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Erin Helyard
Theodora, HWV 68, Act I: No. 14, Oh Bright Example of All Goodness (Live)
Orchestra of the Antipodes, Erin Helyard & Caitlin Hulcup
Choral Symphony: III. Largo
Elizabeth Watts, Caitlin Hulcup, Joshua Ellicott, Roderick Williams, The Bach Choir, Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra & David Hill
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V "In a Chinese Garden": Prelude - See, See, I Obey
Kevin Greenlaw, Hjördis Thébault, Caitlin Hulcup, Les Nouveaux Caractères & Sébastien d'Hérin
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V "In a Chinese Garden": Sure the Dull God of Marriage Does Not Hear
Caitlin Hulcup, Hjördis Thébault, Les Nouveaux Caractères & Sébastien d'Hérin
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V "In a Chinese Garden": Prelude to Juno’s Song - Thrice Happy Lovers
Caitlin Hulcup, Les Nouveaux Caractères & Sébastien d'Hérin
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III "A Forest Glade": Prelude - If Love's a Sweet Passion
Caitlin Hulcup, Les Nouveaux Caractères & Sébastien d'Hérin
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act I "The Palace of the Duke": Fill up the Bowl, Then.
Kevin Greenlaw, Virginie Pochon, Caitlin Hulcup, Les Nouveaux Caractères & Sébastien d'Hérin
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act IV: Vengeons le sang de notre roi! (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Christopher Saunders, Grant Doyle, Cantillation, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act IV: De tes forfaits la trame est découverte (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Christopher Saunders, Christopher Richardson, Grant Doyle, Cantillation, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act IV: Mais que vois-je? (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Margaret Plummer, Cantillation, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act IV: Quel moment! Dieux puissants, secourez-moi! (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Grant Doyle, Cantillation, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act IV: Que ces regrets touchants pour mon coeur ont de charmes! (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Grant Doyle, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act IV: La force m'abandonne (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Grant Doyle, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act IV: Non, cet affreux devoir je ne puis le remplir (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act III: Puisque le ciel à vos jours s'intéresse (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Christopher Saunders, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act III: Quoi? Toujours à mes voeux vous êtes insensible? (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Grant Doyle, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act III: Malgré toi, je saurai t'arracher au trépas! (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Christopher Saunders, Grant Doyle, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act III: Je pourrais du tyran tromper la barbarie (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Christopher Saunders, Grant Doyle, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act III: Voici ces captifs mahleureux (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Margaret Plummer, Christopher Saunders, Grant Doyle, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act III: D'une image, hélas! Trop chérie (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act III: Je cède à vos désirs (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act II: Contemplez ces tristes apprêts (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Cantillation, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act II: Honorez avec moi ce héros qui n'est plus (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act II: Ô malheureuse Iphigénie! (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Cantillation, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act II: Je vois toute l'horreur que ma présence vous inspire (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Grant Doyle, Cantillation, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act I: Les Dieux apaisent leur courroux (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Christopher Richardson, Nicholas Dinopoulos, Cantillation, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act I: Dieux! Le malheur en tous lieux (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Christopher Richardson, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act I: Ô toi, qui prolongeas mes jours (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act I: Ô race de Pélops! Race toujours fatale! (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Margaret Plummer, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act I: Le calme reparaît (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Margaret Plummer, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46, Act I: Grands dieux! Soyez-nous secourables! (Live)
Caitlin Hulcup, Cantillation, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
Maometto Secondo, Act II, No.10 – Terzettino: In questi estremi istanti
Garsington Opera Orchestra, Garsington Opera Chorus, David Perry, Siân Davies, Caitlin Hulcup & Paul Nilon
Maometto Secondo, Act II, Scena IV: Padre...Qual voce!
Garsington Opera Orchestra, Garsington Opera Chorus, David Perry, Siân Davies, Paul Nilon & Caitlin Hulcup
Maometto Secondo, Act II, No. 9 – Aria Calbo: Non temer
Garsington Opera Orchestra, Garsington Opera Chorus, David Perry & Caitlin Hulcup
Maometto Secondo, Act II, Scena III: Sieguimi, o Calbo
Garsington Opera Orchestra, Garsington Opera Chorus, David Perry, Paul Nilon & Caitlin Hulcup
Maometto Secondo, Act I: "Rendimi il padre"
Garsington Opera Orchestra, Garsington Opera Chorus, David Perry, Garsington Opera Orchesetra, Siân Davies, Caitlin Hulcup, Darren Jeffrey, Paul Nilon & Richard Dowling
Maometto Secondo, Act I: "Ritrovo l’amante"
Garsington Opera Orchestra, Garsington Opera Chorus, David Perry, Garsington Opera Orchesetra, Siân Davies, Paul Nilon, Darren Jeffrey, Caitlin Hulcup & Richard Dowling
Maometto Secondo, Act I: Finale primo, "Giusto ciel"
Garsington Opera Orchestra, Garsington Opera Chorus, David Perry, Paul Nilon, Caitlin Hulcup & Darren Jeffery
Maometto Secondo, Act I: "Partiam, guerrieri..."
Garsington Opera Orchestra, Garsington Opera Chorus, David Perry, Paul Nilon, Siân Davies, Caitlin Hulcup & Christopher Diffey
Maometto Secondo, Act I: "Mira, signor, quel pianto"
Garsington Opera Orchestra, Caitlin Hulcup, Siân Davies, Paul Nilon, Garsington Opera Chorus & David Perry
Maometto Secondo, Act I: Terzettone, "Ohimè! Qual fulmine"
Garsington Opera Orchestra, Garsington Opera Chorus, David Perry, Siân Davies, Paul Nilon & Caitlin Hulcup
Maometto Secondo, Act I: Recitativo, "Figlia!...Chi veggio!"
Garsington Opera Orchestra, Garsington Opera Chorus, David Perry, Paul Nilon, Siân Davies & Caitlin Hulcup
Maometto Secondo, Act I: "Sì, giuriam!"
Garsington Opera Orchestra, Garsington Opera Chorus, David Perry, Paul Nilon, Siân Davies, Caitlin Hulcup & Christopher Diffey
Maometto Secondo, Act I: "Risponda a te primiero"
Garsington Opera Orchestra, Garsington Opera Chorus, David Perry, Christopher Diffey, Caitlin Hulcup & Paul Nilon
Griselda, RV 718, Act III Scene 8: Imeneo, che se' d'amore (Chorus)
Erin Helyard, Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders & Russell Harcourt
Griselda, RV 718, Act III Scene 8: Finale. Non piu, cor, mio, non piu (All)
Erin Helyard, Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders & Russell Harcourt
Griselda, RV 718, Act III: Recitative. Griselda. altro non manca (All)
Erin Helyard, Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders & Russell Harcourt
Griselda, RV 718, Act III Scene 8: Recitative. Ministri accelerate (Griselda)
Erin Helyard, Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders & Russell Harcourt
Griselda, RV 718, Act III Scene 6: Aria. Dopo un'orrida procella (Ottone)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act III Scene 6: Recitative. L'empio s'ascolti (Gualtiero, Ottone)
Erin Helyard, Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders & Russell Harcourt
Griselda, RV 718, Act III Scene 5: Ombre vane, ingiusti orrori (Costanza)
Erin Helyard, Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders & Russell Harcourt
Griselda, RV 718: Act III Scene 5: Recitative. Passo, Roberto amar? (Costanza)
Caitlin Hulcup, Erin Helyard, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Christopher Saunders, Russell Harcourt, Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan & David Hansen
Griselda, RV 718, Act III Scene 4: Recitative. Temo. Pavento (Roberto, Costanza, Gualtiero, Corrado)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act III Scene 3: Aria. Son infelice tanto (Griselda)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act III Scene 3: Griselda. Il re! (Gualtiero, Costanza)
Erin Helyard, Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders & Russell Harcourt
Griselda, RV 718, Act III Scene 2: E per sempre v'unisca, amati fidi (Griselda, Corrado)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act III Scene 1: Recitative. Risoluta e quest'alma (Roberto, Costanza)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act II Scene 14: Trio. Non piu regina (Griselda, Costanza, Gualtiero)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act II Scene 14: Qual grazie posso? (Griselda, Gualtiero, Costanza)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act II Scene 13: Recitative. L'impone il re? (Gualtiero, Griselda, Ottone)
Erin Helyard, Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders & Russell Harcourt
Griselda, RV 718, Act II Scene 12: Empio, vien pure (Griselda)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act II Scene 11: Aria. Tu vorresti col tuo pianto (Gualtiero)
Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Tobias Cole
Griselda, RV 718, Act II Scene 11: Recitative. Avvisato, che Otton (Corrado, Gualtiero, Costanza, Griselda)
Erin Helyard, Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders & Russell Harcourt
Griselda, RV 718, Act II Scene 10: Recitative. De' tuoi bei sguardi, o cara (Gualtiero, Costanza, Griselda)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act II Scene 9: Recitative. Sola se ben mi lasci (Costanza, Griselda)
Erin Helyard, Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders & Russell Harcourt
Griselda, RV 718, Act II Scene 8: Sonno, se pur sei sonno (Griselda)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act II Scene 8: Recitative. E deliquio di core (Griselda)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act II Scene 7: Aria. Agitata da due venti (Costanza)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act II Scene 7: Sdegna amore il mio grado, e vuol rispetto (Costanza)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act II Scene 7: Che legge tiranna (Roberto)
Erin Helyard, Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders & Russell Harcourt
Griselda, RV 718, Act II Scene 7: Recitative. Fuggi. Perche? (Costanza, Roberto)
Erin Helyard, Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders & Russell Harcourt
Griselda, RV 718, Act II Scene 7: Aria. Scocca dardi l'altero tuo Ciglio (Ottone)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act II Scene 5: Aria. No, non tanta crudelta (Griselda)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act II Scene 5: Recitaive. Oh d'un seno infelice (Griselda, Corrado, Ottone)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act II Scene 5: Recitative. Ferma Griselda (Corrado, Ottone, Griselda)
Erin Helyard, Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders & Russell Harcourt
Griselda, RV 718, Act I Scene 12: Ho il cor gia lacero da mille affani (Griselda)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act I Scene 12: Recitative. Infelice Griselda! (Griselda)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act I Scene 11: Aria. Alle minace di fiera belva (Corrado)
Erin Helyard, Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders & Russell Harcourt
Griselda, RV 718, Act I Scene 10: Ferma, t'arresta (oh dio!) rendimo il figlio [Griselda, Corrado]
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act I Scene 9: Griselda, vanne fuor della reggia (Corrado, Griselda)
Erin Helyard, Caitlin Hulcup, Orchestra of the Antipodes, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Russell Harcourt, Tobias Cole & Miriam Allan
Griselda, RV 718, Act I Scene 8: Aria. Estinguere vorrei (Roberto)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act I Scene 8: Al regio sguardo ahi troppo (Roberto)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act I Scene 7: Aria. Ritorna a lusingarmi (Costanza)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act I Scene 7: Bella Costanza! (Gualtiero)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes
Griselda, RV 718, Act I Scene 6: Recitative. Costanza, eccoti in porto (Roberto, Costanza)
Tobias Cole, Miriam Allan, Erin Helyard, David Hansen, Christopher Saunders, Caitlin Hulcup, Russell Harcourt & Orchestra of the Antipodes