Luis Perdomo Song List
Hidden Variations for Harold Danko, Pt. I, II, III (feat. Luis Perdomo, Brett Hirst & Simon Barker)
Ken Stubbs
Without Doubt (feat. Luis Perdomo, David Neves, Troy Roberts, Michael Thomas & Edward Perez)
Terraza Big Band
Hubbardengue (feat. Roberto Koch, Luis Perdomo & Michael Rodriguez)
Fran Vielma & Venezuelan Jazz Collective
Mis Dos Luces (feat. Roberto Koch, Ángel Subero & Luis Perdomo)
Fran Vielma & Venezuelan Jazz Collective
Minanguero (feat. Michael Rodriguez, Luis Perdomo, Pablo Bencid & Manolo Mairena)
Fran Vielma & Venezuelan Jazz Collective
Cereal de Bobures (feat. Manolo Mairena, Luis Perdomo & Michael Rodriguez)
Fran Vielma & Venezuelan Jazz Collective
Monk en Aragua (feat. Roberto Koch, Luis Perdomo & Miguel Zenón)
Fran Vielma & Venezuelan Jazz Collective
The Story of a Warrior (feat. John Swana, Luis Perdomo, Sandy Eldred & Mark Whitfield Jr.)
Bogdan Gumenyuk
They Can't Dance Those Changes (feat. John Swana, Luis Perdomo, Sandy Eldred & Mark Whitfield Jr.)
Bogdan Gumenyuk
Convenient Circumstances (feat. John Swana, Luis Perdomo, Sandy Eldred & Mark Whitfield Jr.)
Bogdan Gumenyuk
Sincronía (feat. Luis Perdomo, Satoshi Takeishi, Sam Sadigursky & Matt Pavolka)
Richard Nant & Alan Plachta
Noviembre (feat. Luis Perdomo, Satoshi Takeishi, Sam Sadigursky & Matt Pavolka)
Richard Nant & Alan Plachta
Bárbara (feat. Luis Perdomo, Satoshi Takeishi, Sam Sadigursky & Matt Pavolka)
Richard Nant & Alan Plachta
Go (feat. Luis Perdomo, Satoshi Takeishi, Sam Sadigursky & Matt Pavolka)
Richard Nant & Alan Plachta
Viaje (feat. Luis Perdomo, Satoshi Takeishi, Sam Sadigursky & Matt Pavolka)
Alan Plachta & Richard Nant
Paternal (feat. Luis Perdomo, Satoshi Takeishi, Sam Sadigursky & Matt Pavolka)
Richard Nant & Alan Plachta