Stephen Charlesworth Song List
Je me complains piteusement
Steven Harrold, Julian Podger, Stephen Charlesworth & Andrew Lawrence-King
Je vous pri / Tant que mon argent / Ma tres douce amie
Catherine King, Steven Harrold, Julian Podger & Stephen Charlesworth
Irish Tenebrae - the Wake: Round the House and Mind the Dresser
David Hill, BBC Singers, Edward Goater, Edward Price & Stephen Charlesworth
We Three Kings
Andrew Parrott, Jeremy White, Simon Grant, Stephen Charlesworth, Taverner Players & Taverner Choir
Death in Venice, Op. 88, Act I Scene 6: The Foiled Departure. Aou'! Stagando, aou'!
Richard Hickox, City of London Sinfonia, Alan Opie, Simon Birchall, Jennifer Adams-Barbaro, John Bowley, Sian Menna & Stephen Charlesworth
Vanessa, Act II: The Count and the Countess of d'Albanie (Nicholas, Footman, Doctor)
Leonard Slatkin, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Simon Birchall, Neal Davies & Stephen Charlesworth
The Firebrand of Florence: Act II Scene 7: Finale Ultimo: Heav'n or hell, who can tell what comes after? (Entire Company)
BBC Singers, Henry Waddington, Lori Ann Fuller, George Dvorsky, Sir Andrew Davis, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Lucy Schaufer, Rodney Gilfry, Robert Johnston, Simon Russell Beale, Stephen Charlesworth, Roger Heath, Stuart MacIntyre & Felicity Palmer
The Firebrand of Florence: Act II Scene 7: Finale: Sarabande: You left Florence without coming to decorate my fountain (Duchess, Cellini, Angela, Duke, Maffio, Narrator)
BBC Singers, Sir Andrew Davis, BBC Symphony Orchestra, George Dvorsky, Lucy Schaufer, Lori Ann Fuller, Stuart MacIntyre, Henry Waddington, Simon Russell Beale, Stephen Charlesworth, Roger Heath, Felicity Palmer, Rodney Gilfry & Robert Johnston
The Firebrand of Florence: Act II Scene 6: If you're bent on viewing something doing, come to Paris ( Marquis, Chorus, Narrator)
Sir Andrew Davis, BBC Symphony Orchestra, George Dvorsky, Lucy Schaufer, BBC Singers, Lori Ann Fuller, Simon Russell Beale, Stephen Charlesworth, Roger Heath, Felicity Palmer, Henry Waddington, Stuart MacIntyre, Rodney Gilfry & Robert Johnston
The Firebrand of Florence: Act II Scene 5: My poor child, he isn't worth one of your tears! (Duchness, Angela, Narrator)
Felicity Palmer, Simon Russell Beale, Rodney Gilfry, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Stephen Charlesworth, Robert Johnston, Lori Ann Fuller, Lucy Schaufer, Roger Heath, BBC Singers, Stuart MacIntyre, Henry Waddington, Sir Andrew Davis & George Dvorsky
The Firebrand of Florence: Act II Scene 5: Duet: Love is my enemy (Cellini, Angela)
Simon Russell Beale, Rodney Gilfry, Robert Johnston, Stuart MacIntyre, Roger Heath, Felicity Palmer, Henry Waddington, BBC Symphony Orchestra, George Dvorsky, Stephen Charlesworth, Lori Ann Fuller, Sir Andrew Davis, BBC Singers & Lucy Schaufer
The Firebrand of Florence: Act II Scene 5: Oh, it pays to have a witness (Hangman, Angela, Duchness, Narrator, Chorus)
Rodney Gilfry, Henry Waddington, Roger Heath, Robert Johnston, Stuart MacIntyre, Simon Russell Beale, BBC Singers, George Dvorsky, Felicity Palmer, Sir Andrew Davis, Lori Ann Fuller, Lucy Schaufer, BBC Symphony Orchestra & Stephen Charlesworth
The Firebrand of Florence: Act II Scene 5: In Naples one night a wandering gypsy (Cellini, Duke, Chorus)
Rodney Gilfry, Robert Johnston, Felicity Palmer, Simon Russell Beale, Stuart MacIntyre, Roger Heath, Henry Waddington, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Stephen Charlesworth, George Dvorsky, Lori Ann Fuller, Sir Andrew Davis, BBC Singers & Lucy Schaufer
The Firebrand of Florence: Act II Scene 5: Oh the world is full of villains (Chorus, Duke, Cellini, Magistrate)
Simon Russell Beale, Robert Johnston, Felicity Palmer, Roger Heath, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Stephen Charlesworth, Lori Ann Fuller, Rodney Gilfry, Sir Andrew Davis, Stuart MacIntyre, BBC Singers, Lucy Schaufer, Henry Waddington & George Dvorsky
The Firebrand of Florence: Act II Scene 4: Procession: Souvenirs! Hurry, hurry, get your souvenirs (Vendors, Hangman, Chorus)
Rodney Gilfry, Sir Andrew Davis, Stuart MacIntyre, Roger Heath, Felicity Palmer, Henry Waddington, Lori Ann Fuller, BBC Singers, Robert Johnston, George Dvorsky, Simon Russell Beale, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Lucy Schaufer & Stephen Charlesworth
The Firebrand of Florence: Act II Scene 1: The little god of love is the one I'm fondest of (Emilia, Angela, Chorus)
Stuart MacIntyre, Henry Waddington, Roger Heath, Sir Andrew Davis, George Dvorsky, Lucy Schaufer, Simon Russell Beale, Rodney Gilfry, BBC Singers, Robert Johnston, Felicity Palmer, Lori Ann Fuller, BBC Symphony Orchestra & Stephen Charlesworth
The Firebrand of Florence: Act II Scene 1: Message from the Duchess! ( Blackamoor, Cellini, Angela, Emilia, Narrator)
BBC Singers, Sir Andrew Davis, Henry Waddington, George Dvorsky, Lucy Schaufer, Rodney Gilfry, Robert Johnston, Stuart MacIntyre, Felicity Palmer, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Stephen Charlesworth, Lori Ann Fuller, Roger Heath & Simon Russell Beale
The Firebrand of Florence: Act II Scene 1: Duet: If you ever, ever dared to leave me (Angela , Cellini)
Felicity Palmer, Rodney Gilfry, Stuart MacIntyre, Roger Heath, Sir Andrew Davis, Robert Johnston, Henry Waddington, Lucy Schaufer, Simon Russell Beale, BBC Singers, George Dvorsky, Lori Ann Fuller, BBC Symphony Orchestra & Stephen Charlesworth
The Firebrand of Florence: Act I Scene 5: Finale: All a-tremble we assemble shouting, What's the matter (Entire Company)
Felicity Palmer, Simon Russell Beale, Robert Johnston, Roger Heath, Rodney Gilfry, BBC Singers, Stuart MacIntyre, Henry Waddington, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Stephen Charlesworth, Lucy Schaufer, Lori Ann Fuller, Sir Andrew Davis & George Dvorsky
The Firebrand of Florence: Act I Scene 5: Trio: Dear young woman (Angela, Duke, Cellini, Narrator)
Sir Andrew Davis, Henry Waddington, George Dvorsky, BBC Singers, Rodney Gilfry, Stuart MacIntyre, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Stephen Charlesworth, Lori Ann Fuller, Lucy Schaufer, Felicity Palmer, Roger Heath, Robert Johnston & Simon Russell Beale
The Firebrand of Florence: Act I Scene 5: Duet: Although my black misfortune we're surrounded (Angela, Cellini, Narrator)
Robert Johnston, Stuart MacIntyre, Roger Heath, Henry Waddington, Rodney Gilfry, BBC Singers, Stephen Charlesworth, George Dvorsky, Sir Andrew Davis, Lucy Schaufer, Felicity Palmer, Simon Russell Beale, BBC Symphony Orchestra & Lori Ann Fuller
The Firebrand of Florence: Act I Scene 5: Madrigal: When the Duchess is away (Emilia, Duke, Chorus)
BBC Symphony Orchestra, Lori Ann Fuller, Lucy Schaufer, BBC Singers, Stephen Charlesworth, Simon Russell Beale, Rodney Gilfry, George Dvorsky, Felicity Palmer, Sir Andrew Davis, Henry Waddington, Robert Johnston, Stuart MacIntyre & Roger Heath
The Firebrand of Florence: Act I Scene 4: Aria: I am not like Circe, whon showed men no mercy (Duchess, Male Quartet, Cellini, Narrator)
Stuart MacIntyre, Roger Heath, Rodney Gilfry, Sir Andrew Davis, Henry Waddington, George Dvorsky, BBC Singers, Robert Johnston, Lori Ann Fuller, Lucy Schaufer, Felicity Palmer, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Simon Russell Beale & Stephen Charlesworth
The Firebrand of Florence: Act I Scene 3: Finaletto: I am happy here (Angela, Emilia, Duke, Ottaviano, Narrator, Chorus)
BBC Singers, Lori Ann Fuller, Lucy Schaufer, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Stephen Charlesworth, Henry Waddington, George Dvorsky, Sir Andrew Davis, Rodney Gilfry, Simon Russell Beale, Robert Johnston, Felicity Palmer, Stuart MacIntyre & Roger Heath
The Firebrand of Florence: Act I Scene 3: Chorus and Aria: Benvenuto, I implore you, this is your last chance (Marquis, Duke, Ottaviano, Narrator, Chorus)
Felicity Palmer, Rodney Gilfry, Robert Johnston, Stuart MacIntyre, Roger Heath, Henry Waddington, Sir Andrew Davis, Simon Russell Beale, BBC Singers, George Dvorsky, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Stephen Charlesworth, Lori Ann Fuller & Lucy Schaufer
The Firebrand of Florence: Act I Scene 3: Arietta: I had just been pardoned (Cellini, Marquis, Narrator)
Felicity Palmer, Rodney Gilfry, Stuart MacIntyre, Roger Heath, Sir Andrew Davis, Henry Waddington, George Dvorsky, Simon Russell Beale, Robert Johnston, Lori Ann Fuller, Lucy Schaufer, BBC Singers, BBC Symphony Orchestra & Stephen Charlesworth
The Firebrand of Florence: Act I Scene 3: Duet: I think you're very handsome (Angela, Cellini, Narrator)
Rodney Gilfry, Henry Waddington, George Dvorsky, Sir Andrew Davis, Robert Johnston, Stuart MacIntyre, Felicity Palmer, Lucy Schaufer, Roger Heath, BBC Singers, Simon Russell Beale, Stephen Charlesworth, Lori Ann Fuller & BBC Symphony Orchestra
The Firebrand of Florence: Act I Scene 3: Arietta: I had just been pardoned (Cellini)
BBC Symphony Orchestra, Lori Ann Fuller, Lucy Schaufer, BBC Singers, Stephen Charlesworth, Simon Russell Beale, George Dvorsky, Felicity Palmer, Sir Andrew Davis, Henry Waddington, Robert Johnston, Rodney Gilfry, Stuart MacIntyre & Roger Heath
The Firebrand of Florence: Act I Scene 2: Duet: The master is free again (Emilia, Ascanio, Narrator)
Sir Andrew Davis, BBC Symphony Orchestra, George Dvorsky, Lucy Schaufer, BBC Singers, Lori Ann Fuller, Felicity Palmer, Stuart MacIntyre, Henry Waddington, Simon Russell Beale, Rodney Gilfry, Stephen Charlesworth, Roger Heath & Robert Johnston
The Firebrand of Florence: Act I Scene 1: My lords and ladies, foes and friends (Cellini, Choir)
Robert Johnston, Stuart MacIntyre, Roger Heath, Henry Waddington, Rodney Gilfry, BBC Singers, George Dvorsky, Sir Andrew Davis, Lucy Schaufer, Felicity Palmer, Stephen Charlesworth, Simon Russell Beale, BBC Symphony Orchestra & Lori Ann Fuller
The Firebrand of Florence: Act I Scene 1: When the Bell of Doom is Clanging (Narrator, Hangman, Gallows Builders)
BBC Singers, Henry Waddington, Lori Ann Fuller, George Dvorsky, Sir Andrew Davis, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Lucy Schaufer, Rodney Gilfry, Robert Johnston, Stuart MacIntyre, Simon Russell Beale, Stephen Charlesworth, Roger Heath & Felicity Palmer
The Firebrand of Florence: Prelude
BBC Singers, Lori Ann Fuller, Lucy Schaufer, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Stephen Charlesworth, Sir Andrew Davis, Henry Waddington, Simon Russell Beale, Robert Johnston, George Dvorsky, Felicity Palmer, Rodney Gilfry, Stuart MacIntyre & Roger Heath
Carmina Burana: 11. Bacche bene venies
Michael George, New London Consort, Stephen Charlesworth & Philip Pickett
Léonin / Pérotin: Magnus Liber / Feast Of St. Stephen: Alleluya - Video celos apertos (à 2) (Alleluya)
The Orlando Consort, Robert Harre-Jones, Stephen Charlesworth, Charles Pott, Michael McCarthy, Julian Clarkson & Choristers Of Westminster Cathedral
Magnus Liber / Feast Of St. Stephen: Sederunt principes - Adiuva me, Domine (à 4) (Gradual)
The Orlando Consort, Robert Harre-Jones, Stephen Charlesworth, Charles Pott, Michael McCarthy, Julian Clarkson & Choristers Of Westminster Cathedral
Feast of St. Stephen: Etenim Sederunt Principes (à 1) [Introit]
The Orlando Consort, Robert Harre-Jones, Stephen Charlesworth, Choristers Of Westminster Cathedral, Charles Pott, Michael McCarthy & Julian Clarkson
Feast of St. Stephen: Video Celos Apertos (Communion)
The Orlando Consort, Robert Harre-Jones, Stephen Charlesworth, Choristers Of Westminster Cathedral, Charles Pott, Michael McCarthy & Julian Clarkson
Magnus Liber: Beata Es, Virgo Maria - à 2 (Offertory)
The Orlando Consort, Robert Harre-Jones, Choristers Of Westminster Cathedral, Stephen Charlesworth, Charles Pott, Michael McCarthy, Julian Clarkson & James O'Donnell
Magnus Liber: Alleluya - Assumpta Est Maria - à 2 (Alleluya)
The Orlando Consort, Robert Harre-Jones, Stephen Charlesworth, Choristers Of Westminster Cathedral, Charles Pott, Michael McCarthy, Julian Clarkson & James O'Donnell
Magnus Liber: Benedicta (à 3) - Virgo, Dei Genitrix - à 3 (Gradual)
The Orlando Consort, Robert Harre-Jones, Stephen Charlesworth, Choristers Of Westminster Cathedral, Charles Pott, Michael McCarthy, Julian Clarkson & James O'Donnell
Magnus Liber: Cristus Resurgens - Dicant Nunc - à 3 (Processional Antiphon)
The Orlando Consort, Robert Harre-Jones, Choristers Of Westminster Cathedral, Stephen Charlesworth, Charles Pott, Michael McCarthy, Julian Clarkson & James O'Donnell
Magnus Liber: Victimae Paschali Laudes - à 1 (Sequence)
The Orlando Consort, Robert Harre-Jones, Choristers Of Westminster Cathedral, Stephen Charlesworth, Charles Pott, Michael McCarthy, Julian Clarkson & James O'Donnell
Magnus Liber: Et Valde Mane una Sabbatorum - à 2 (Matins Responsory)
The Orlando Consort, Robert Harre-Jones, Stephen Charlesworth, Choristers Of Westminster Cathedral, Charles Pott, Michael McCarthy, Julian Clarkson & James O'Donnell
Magnus Liber: Pascha Nostrum Immolatus - à 1 (Communion)
The Orlando Consort, Robert Harre-Jones, Stephen Charlesworth, Choristers Of Westminster Cathedral, Charles Pott, Michael McCarthy, Julian Clarkson & James O'Donnell
Gloria (Missa: gantz Teudsch) - Polyhymnia caduceatrix (1619) -
Tessa Bonner, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Sarah Pendlebury, Robert "Bob The Builder" Horn, Tom Phillips, Angus Smith, Julian Podger, Stephen Charlesworth & Simon Grant
Donald Greig, Stephen Charlesworth, Allan Parkes, Christopher Foster, Francis Steele, Jeremy White, John Milne, Andrew Parrott, Deryck Webb, Harvey Brough, Leigh Nixon, Paul Badley, Paul Tindall, Peter Long, Rodrigo del Pozo & Simon Berridge
Ave maris stella
Donald Greig, Stephen Charlesworth, Allan Parkes, Christopher Foster, Francis Steele, Jeremy White, John Milne, Andrew Parrott, Deryck Webb, Harvey Brough, Leigh Nixon, Paul Badley, Paul Tindall, Peter Long, Rodrigo del Pozo & Simon Berridge
Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: "Godiam la Pace" - "Prence, Signor" - "Ma Quel Pianto" - "Estinto È Idomeneo?" - "Tutte Nel Cor Vi Sento" - "Pietà! Numi, Pietà!" - "Eccoci Salvi Alfin" - "Oh Voi"
Angela Kazimierczuk, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Jonathan Peter Kenny, Monteverdi Choir, Philip Salmon, Stephen Charlesworth, Hillevi Martinpelto, Anne Sofie von Otter, Nigel Robson, Sylvia McNair & Anthony Rolfe Johnson
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 2: No. 32, Aria mit Chor. "Mein teurer Heiland"
Stephen Charlesworth, Andrew Parrott, Taverner Players & Taverner Consort
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 2: No. 25, Rezitativ. "Allda kreuzigten sie ihn"
Stephen Charlesworth, Andrew Parrott, Taverner Players, Rogers Covey-Crump & Taverner Consort
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 2: No. 24, Aria mit Chor. "Eilt, ihr angefocht'nen Seelen"
Stephen Charlesworth, Andrew Parrott, Taverner Players & Taverner Consort
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 2: No. 23, Rezitativ. "Die Juden aber schrieen"
Stephen Charlesworth, Andrew Parrott, Taverner Players, Rogers Covey-Crump & Taverner Consort
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 2: No. 21, Rezitativ. "Und die Kriegsknechte flochten eine Krone"
David Thomas, Stephen Charlesworth, Andrew Parrott, Taverner Players, Rogers Covey-Crump & Taverner Consort
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 2: No. 18, Rezitativ. "Da sprach Pilatus zu ihm"
David Thomas, Stephen Charlesworth, Andrew Parrott, Taverner Players, Rogers Covey-Crump & Taverner Consort
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 2: No. 16, Rezitativ. "Da führeten sie Jesum"
Stephen Charlesworth, Andrew Parrott, Taverner Players, Rogers Covey-Crump & Taverner Consort
Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen, BWV 11: VII. Recitative: Und da sie ihm nachsahen gen Himmel fahren (Tenor, Bass)
Andrew Parrott, Stephen Charlesworth, Wilfried Jochens, Taverner Players & Taverner Consort
Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen, BWV 11: III. Recitative: Ach, Jesu, ist dein Abscheid schon so nah? (Bass)
Andrew Parrott, Stephen Charlesworth, Taverner Players & Taverner Consort
Stille Nacht (original version)
Taverner Players, Taverner Consort, Taverner Choir, Andrew Parrott, Jakob Lindberg, Charles Daniels & Stephen Charlesworth
Judicium extremum: "Tunc, apertis caelis"
Stephen Charlesworth, Stephen Varcoe, Monteverdi Choir, John Eliot Gardiner, His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts, English Baroque Soloists, Donna Deam, Ruth Holton, Susan Hemington Jones & Suzane Flowers
Judicium extremum: "Aspiciebam in visione noctis"
Stephen Charlesworth, Stephen Varcoe, John Eliot Gardiner, His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts & English Baroque Soloists
Musikalische Exequien, SWV 279/281: Part I:Concert in Form einer teutschen Begräbnis-Missa
Mary Seers, Rachel Platt, Ashley Stafford, Frieder Lang, Nicolas Robertson, Stephen Charlesworth, Lawrence Wallington, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Alastair Ross & Monteverdi Choir