Thomas Dunford Song List
A New Division Upon the Ground Bass of "John Come and Kiss Me"
Théotime Langlois de Swarte & Thomas Dunford
Troisième Livre de pièces de clavecin, Quinzième Ordre: II. Le Dodo ou L'Amour au berceau. Rondeau, sur le mouvement des berçeuses
Thomas Dunford & Jean Rondeau
Violin Sonata No. 1 in D Minor: VI. Presto
Emmanuel Resche-Caserta, Myriam Rignol, Thomas Dunford & William Christie
Violin Sonata No. 1 in D Minor: V. Aria
Emmanuel Resche-Caserta, Myriam Rignol, Thomas Dunford & William Christie
Violin Sonata No. 1 in D Minor: IV. Presto - Adagio - Presto
Emmanuel Resche-Caserta, Myriam Rignol, Thomas Dunford & William Christie
Violin Sonata No. 1 in D Minor: II. Presto
Emmanuel Resche-Caserta, Myriam Rignol, Thomas Dunford & William Christie
Violin Sonata in D Minor, Op. 1 No. 1: IV. Giga. Allegro
Théotime Langlois de Swarte, Myriam Rignol, Thomas Dunford & William Christie
Violin Sonata in D Minor, Op. 1 No. 1: III. Allemanda. Allegro
Théotime Langlois de Swarte, Myriam Rignol, Thomas Dunford & William Christie
Brunettes, Book 3: Sur cette charmante rive
Gwendoline Blondeel, Juliette Mey, Myriam Rignol & Thomas Dunford
Brunettes, Book 2: Non, non, je n'irai plus au bois seulette
Gwendoline Blondeel, Juliette Mey, Myriam Rignol, Thomas Dunford & William Christie
Sans frayeur dans ce bois, H. 467
Gwendoline Blondeel, Myriam Rignol, Thomas Dunford & William Christie
Pelléas et Mélisande, CD 93, L. 88, Act 3: Mes longs cheveux descendent (Mélisande)
Lea Desandre & Thomas Dunford
Semele, HWV 58, Act II: "But Hark, the Heav'nly Sphere Turns Round" (Ino)
Thomas Dunford, Iestyn Davies & Jupiter Ensemble
Semele, HWV 58, Act III: "No, No, I’ll Take No Less" (Semele)
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Esther, HWV 50b, Act II: "Who Calls My Parting Soul from Death?" (Esther, Ahasuerus)
Thomas Dunford, Iestyn Davies, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Semele, HWV 58, Act I: "You’ve Undone Me" (Ino, Athamas)
Thomas Dunford, Iestyn Davies, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Occasional Oratorio, HWV 62, Pt. I: "Fly from the Threat’ning Vengeance, Fly!"
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
The Triumph of Time and Truth, HWV 71, Act III: "Guardian Angels, Oh, Protect me" (Beauty)
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Semele, HWV 58, Act II: "Hence, Iris, Hence Away" (Juno)
Thomas Dunford, Iestyn Davies & Jupiter Ensemble
Semele, HWV 58, Act II: "Prepare, Then, Ye Immortal Choir" (Semele, Ino)
Thomas Dunford, Iestyn Davies, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Theodora, HWV 68, Act III: "Thither Let Our Hearts Aspire!" (Theodora, Didymus)
Thomas Dunford, Iestyn Davies, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Act III: "Prophetic Raptures Swell My Breast" (Asenath)
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Saul, HWV 53, Act I: "Oh Lord, Whose Mercies Numberless" (David)
Thomas Dunford, Iestyn Davies & Jupiter Ensemble
Susanna, HWV 66, Act III: "To My Chaste Susanna’s Praise" (Joacim, Susanna)
Thomas Dunford, Iestyn Davies, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Solomon, HWV 67, Act III: "Will the Sun Forget to Streak" (Queen of Sheba)
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Semele, HWV 58, Act III: "Despair No More Shall Wound Me" (Athamas)
Thomas Dunford, Iestyn Davies & Jupiter Ensemble
Theodora, HWV 68, Act I: "As With Rosy Steps the Morn" (Irene)
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Hercules, HWV 60, Act II: "Joys of Freedom" (Dejanira, Iole)
Thomas Dunford, Iestyn Davies, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: "Yet, Can I Hear That Dulcet Lay" (Hercules)
Thomas Dunford, Iestyn Davies & Jupiter Ensemble
Theodora, HWV 68, Act II: "With Darkness Deep, as Is My Woe" (Theodora)
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne, HWV 74: "Eternal Source of Light Divine"
Thomas Dunford, Iestyn Davies, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Theodora, HWV 68, Act II: "To Thee Thy Glorious Son of Worth" (Theodora, Didymus)
Thomas Dunford, Iestyn Davies, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Ercole sul Termodonte, RV 710: "Scenderò, volerò, griderò" (Antiope)
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Ercole sul Termodonte, RV 710: "Onde chiare che sussurrate" (Ippolita)
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Mitilene, regina delle amazzoni: "Sdegno all'armi, alle vendette" (Mitilene)
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Mitilene, regina delle amazzoni: "Lieti fiori, erbe odorose" (Mitilene)
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Die getreue Alceste: "Non ha fortuna il pianto mio" (Hyppolite)
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Mitilene, regina delle amazzoni: "Che farai misero core" (Mitilene)
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Marthésie, première reine des amazones: "Quel coup me réservait la colère céleste ?" (Marthésie)
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Marthésie, première reine des amazones: "Ô mort ! Ô triste mort" (Thalestris)
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Pièces de viole, Livre IV, Suitte d'un goût étranger: No. 68, L'Amériquaine
Jupiter Ensemble & Thomas Dunford
Marthésie, première reine des amazones: "Faible fierté, gloire impuissante" (Thalestris)
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
L'Antiope: "Vieni, corri, volami in braccio" (Antiope)
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Die getreue Alceste: Sinfonia pour la tempête (1719 Hamburg Version)
Thomas Dunford & Jupiter Ensemble
Mitilene, regina delle amazzoni: "Io piango" - "Io peno" (Mitilene, Armidoro)
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble, Cecilia Bartoli & Lea Desandre
Mitilene, regina delle amazzoni: "Muove il piè, furia d'Averno" (Mitilene)
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre
Lo schiavo di sua moglie: "Lasciatemi morir, stelle crudeli" (Menalippa)
Thomas Dunford, Jupiter Ensemble & Lea Desandre