Ely Cathedral Choir Song List
O filii et filiae "O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing!"
Ely Cathedral Choir, Scott Farrell & Paul Trepte
Ad Cenam Agni Providi "the Lamb's High Banquet We Await"
Ely Cathedral Choir, Jonathan Lilley & Paul Trepte
Pange Lingua "Sing, My Tongue, the Glorious Battle"
Ely Cathedral Choir, Jonathan Lilley & Paul Trepte
Have Mercy upon Me, O God, HWV 248: III. Wash Me Throughly (Arr. for Choir & Organ)
Ely Cathedral Choir, Jonathan Lilley & Paul Trepte
Vexilla Regis Prodeunt "the Royal Banners Forward Go"
Ely Cathedral Choir, Jonathan Lilley & Paul Trepte
Audi Benigne Conditor "the Fast, as Taught by Holy Lore"
Ely Cathedral Choir, Jonathan Lilley & Paul Trepte
Les commandements de Dieu "Father, We Thank Thee Who Has Planted"
Ely Cathedral Choir, Scott Farrell & Paul Trepte
Noël nouvelet "Now the Green Blade Riseth from the Buried Grain"
Ely Cathedral Choir, Scott Farrell & Paul Trepte