Jennifer Goltz Song List
From Songs of Remembrance: Remnant People in a Remnant Land
Jennifer Goltz, Stephen Lussmann & John Boonenberg
From Songs of Passage, Book II: Know You the River
Jennifer Goltz, Stephen Lussmann & John Boonenberg
Songs of Passage, Book I: We'll to the Woods No More
Jennifer Goltz, Stephen Lussmann & John Boonenberg
Six Songs for Phillip Frohnmayer: VI. From Ulysses
Jennifer Goltz, Stephen Lussmann & John Boonenberg
Six Songs for Phillip Frohnmayer: V. The Ferryman
Jennifer Goltz, Stephen Lussmann & John Boonenberg
Six Songs for Phillip Frohnmayer: IV. Snow-Flakes
Jennifer Goltz, Stephen Lussmann & John Boonenberg
Six Songs for Phillip Frohnmayer: III. Evening Song
Jennifer Goltz, Stephen Lussmann & John Boonenberg
Six Songs for Phillip Frohnmayer: II. A Ballad of Trees and the Master
Jennifer Goltz, Stephen Lussmann & John Boonenberg
Six Songs for Phillip Frohnmayer: I. On the Beach at Night
Jennifer Goltz, Stephen Lussmann & John Boonenberg
Seascape. A Cycle of Songs from Walt Whitman's Sea-Drift: V. O Darkness! O in Vain!
Jennifer Goltz, Stephen Lussmann & John Boonenberg
Seascape. A Cycle of Songs from Walt Whitman's Sea-Drift: IV. But soft! Sink Low!
Jennifer Goltz, Stephen Lussmann & John Boonenberg
Seascape. A Cycle of Songs from Walt Whitman's Sea-Drift: III. O throat! O trembling throat!
Jennifer Goltz, Stephen Lussmann & John Boonenberg
Seascape. A Cycle of Songs from Walt Whitman's Sea-Drift: II. Land! Land! O Land!
Jennifer Goltz, Stephen Lussmann & John Boonenberg
Seascape. A Cycle of Songs from Walt Whitman's Sea-Drift: I. Soothe! Soothe! Soothe!
Jennifer Goltz, Stephen Lussmann & John Boonenberg
Judgment of Midas, Act II: XIX. "Midas Has the Ears of an Ass!"
Matthew Dibattista, Gregory Gerbrandt, Jennifer Goltz, Phillip Horst, Kamran İnce, Present Music & Milwaukee Opera Theatre Chorus
Judgment of Midas, Act II: XV. "Who is It? Who Will Win?"
Matthew Dibattista, Abigail Fischer, Gregory Gerbrandt, Jennifer Goltz, Mikhail Svetlov, Kamran İnce, Present Music & Milwaukee Opera Theatre Chorus
Judgment of Midas, Act II: VIII. "I Enter Them, I Fill Them Up"
Kamran İnce, Present Music, Milwaukee Opera Theatre Chorus, Abigail Fischer, Gregory Gerbrandt & Jennifer Goltz
Judgment of Midas, Act II: VII. "I Call the Truth From Every Soul"
Matthew Dibattista, Jennifer Goltz, Mikhail Svetlov, Phillip Horst, Kamran İnce, Present Music & Milwaukee Opera Theatre Chorus
Judgment of Midas, Act II: VI. "My Incense is the Sweet Hyacinth"
Matthew Dibattista, Jennifer Goltz, Mikhail Svetlov, Phillip Horst, Kamran İnce, Present Music & Milwaukee Opera Theatre Chorus
Judgment of Midas, Act II: V. "I Never Heard Such Sounds Before"
Matthew Dibattista, Abigail Fischer, Gregory Gerbrandt, Jennifer Goltz, Mikhail Svetlov, Phillip Horst, Kamran İnce, Present Music & Milwaukee Opera Theatre Chorus
Judgment of Midas, Act II: II. "I Am the Voice Inside the Reeds"
Matthew Dibattista, Abigail Fischer, Gregory Gerbrandt, Jennifer Goltz, Kamran İnce, Present Music & Milwaukee Opera Theatre Chorus
Judgment of Midas, Act II: I. "Now, Let the Contest Begin"
Kamran İnce, Present Music, Milwaukee Opera Theatre Chorus, Jennifer Goltz & Mikhail Svetlov
Judgment of Midas, Act I: XXIII. "I Can't Believe We are Really Here"
Matthew Dibattista, Abigail Fischer, Gregory Gerbrandt, Jennifer Goltz, Mikhail Svetlov, Phillip Horst, Kamran İnce, Present Music & Milwaukee Opera Theatre Chorus
Judgment of Midas, Act I: XVII. "I'll Be the Judge"
Matthew Dibattista, Abigail Fischer, Gregory Gerbrandt, Jennifer Goltz, Mikhail Svetlov, Kamran İnce, Present Music & Milwaukee Opera Theatre Chorus
Judgment of Midas, Act I: XV. "Here's the News: Finally Someone Sides With Me"
Matthew Dibattista, Jennifer Goltz, Mikhail Svetlov, Kamran İnce, Present Music & Milwaukee Opera Theatre Chorus
Judgment of Midas, Act I: XIV. "Pan's the One"
Matthew Dibattista, Jennifer Goltz, Mikhail Svetlov, Kamran İnce, Present Music & Milwaukee Opera Theatre Chorus
Judgment of Midas, Act I: XIII. "Did You Hear That?"
Kamran İnce, Present Music, Milwaukee Opera Theatre Chorus & Jennifer Goltz
Judgment of Midas, Act I: XII. "I Only Want to Listen"
Matthew Dibattista, Jennifer Goltz, Kamran İnce, Present Music & Milwaukee Opera Theatre Chorus
Judgment of Midas, Act I: XI. "Your Music Made Me Live Again!"
Matthew Dibattista, Jennifer Goltz, Kamran İnce, Present Music & Milwaukee Opera Theatre Chorus
Judgment of Midas, Act I: X. "What's Going On?"
Matthew Dibattista, Abigail Fischer, Jennifer Goltz, Kamran İnce, Present Music & Milwaukee Opera Theatre Chorus
Dickinson Songs-The Unknown Peninsula: The Whole of it came not at once
Logan Skelton & Jennifer Goltz
Dickinson Songs-The Unknown Peninsula: She dealt her pretty words like Blades
Logan Skelton & Jennifer Goltz
Dickinson Songs-The Unknown Peninsula: Pain - has and Element of Blank
Logan Skelton & Jennifer Goltz
Dickinson Songs-The Unknown Peninsula: I had been hungry, all the Years
Logan Skelton & Jennifer Goltz
Dickinson Songs-The Unknown Peninsula: The Moon is distant from the Sea
Logan Skelton & Jennifer Goltz
Dickinson Songs-An Intimate Nature: Your Riches - taught me - Poverty
Logan Skelton & Jennifer Goltz
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 3 - VII. O Alter Duft (O Ancient Fragrance)
Jennifer Goltz & Inauthentica Ensemble
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 3 - VI. Heimfahrt (Homeward Bound) Barcarole
Jennifer Goltz & Inauthentica Ensemble
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 3 - IV. Der Mondfleck (The Moonspot)
Jennifer Goltz & Inauthentica Ensemble
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 2 - VII. Die Kreuze (The Crosses)
Jennifer Goltz & Inauthentica Ensemble
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 2 - V. Galgenlied (Gallows Song)
Jennifer Goltz & Inauthentica Ensemble
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Gebet an Pierrot (Prayer to Pierrot)II. Gebet an Pierrot (Prayer to Pierrot)
Jennifer Goltz & Inauthentica Ensemble
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 2 - I. Nacht (Night) Passacaglia
Jennifer Goltz & Inauthentica Ensemble
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 1 - VII. Der Kranke Mond (The Sick Moon)
Jennifer Goltz & Inauthentica Ensemble
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 1 - V. Valse de Chopin (Chopin Waltz)
Jennifer Goltz & Inauthentica Ensemble
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 1 - IV. Eine blasse Wäscherin (An Ethereal Washerwoman)
Jennifer Goltz & Inauthentica Ensemble