Andrew Reid Song List
They That Go Down to the Sea in Ships
Choir of St. John's College, Durham, Louise Reid & Andrew Reid
Psalm 67 "God Be Merciful unto Us, and Bless Us"
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral, David Humphreys & Andrew Reid
Psalm 66 "O Be Joyful in God, All Ye Lands"
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral, David Humphreys & Andrew Reid
Psalm 65 "Thou, O God, Art Praised in Sion"
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral, David Humphreys & Andrew Reid
Psalm 64 "Hear My Voice, O God, in My Prayer"
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral, David Humphreys & Andrew Reid
Psalm 63 "O God, Thou Art My God, Early Will I Seek Thee"
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral, David Humphreys & Andrew Reid
Psalm 62 "My Soul Truly Waiteth Still upon God"
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral, David Humphreys & Andrew Reid
Psalm 61 "Hear My Crying, O God, Give Ear unto My Prayer"
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral, David Humphreys & Andrew Reid
Psalm 60 "O God, Thou Hast Cast Us Out, and Scattered Us Abroad"
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral, David Humphreys & Andrew Reid
Psalm 59 "Deliver Me from Mine Enemies, O God"
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral, David Humphreys & Andrew Reid
Psalm 58 "Are Your Minds Set upon Righteousness, O Ye Congregation?"
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral, David Humphreys & Andrew Reid
Psalm 57 "Be Merciful unto Me, O God, Be Merciful unto Me" (After Purcell)
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral, David Humphreys & Andrew Reid
Psalm 56 "Be Merciful unto Me, O God, for Man Goeth About to Devour Me"
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral, David Humphreys & Andrew Reid
Psalm 55 "Hear My Prayer, O God, and Hide Not Thyself from My Petition"
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral, David Humphreys & Andrew Reid
Psalm 54 "Save Me, O God, for Thy Name's Sake"
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral, David Humphreys & Andrew Reid
Psalm 53 "The Foolish Body Hath Said in His Heart, There Is No. God"
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral, David Humphreys & Andrew Reid
Psalm 52 "Why Boastest Thou Thyself, Thou Tyrant"
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral, David Humphreys & Andrew Reid
Psalm 51 "Have Mercy upon Me, O God, After Thy Great Goodness"
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral & Andrew Reid
Psalm 50 "The Lord, Even the Most Mighty God, Hath Spoken"
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral, David Humphreys & Andrew Reid
Mass: VI. Eucharistic Prayer II and Acclamations
Robert Macdonald, Westminster Cathedral Choir, Martin Baker & Andrew Reid
Mass: IV. Sursum corda and Preface
Robert Macdonald, Westminster Cathedral Choir, Martin Baker & Andrew Reid
Mass in E-Flat (Compl. & Ed. Wingfield): IV. Agnus Dei
Westminster Cathedral Choir, James O'Donnell & Andrew Reid
Mass in E-Flat (Compl. & Ed. Wingfield): III. Sanctus
Benedict Curran, Westminster Cathedral Choir, James O'Donnell & Andrew Reid
Mass in E-Flat (Compl. & Ed. Wingfield): II. Credo
James O'Donnell, Westminster Cathedral Choir & Andrew Reid
Mass in E-Flat (Compl. & Ed. Wingfield): I. Kyrie
James O'Donnell, Westminster Cathedral Choir & Andrew Reid
Great Is the Lord, Op. 67
James O'Donnell, Westminster Cathedral Choir, Andrew Reid & Colin Campbell
Messe à 2 chœurs et 2 orgues, Op. 36: V. Agnus Dei
Joseph Cullen, James O'Donnell, Andrew Reid, The Hyperion Chorus of Baritones & Westminster Cathedral Choir
Messe à 2 chœurs et 2 orgues, Op. 36: IV. Benedictus
Andrew Reid, Westminster Cathedral Choir, The Hyperion Chorus of Baritones, Joseph Cullen & James O'Donnell
Messe à 2 chœurs et 2 orgues, Op. 36: III. Sanctus
Andrew Reid, Westminster Cathedral Choir, Joseph Cullen, James O'Donnell & The Hyperion Chorus of Baritones
Messe à 2 chœurs et 2 orgues, Op. 36: II. Gloria
James O'Donnell, Andrew Reid, Westminster Cathedral Choir, The Hyperion Chorus of Baritones & Joseph Cullen
Messe à 2 chœurs et 2 orgues, Op. 36: I. Kyrie
The Hyperion Chorus of Baritones, Joseph Cullen, Westminster Cathedral Choir, James O'Donnell & Andrew Reid
4 Motets, Op. 9: No. 4, Laudate Dominum
Westminster Cathedral Choir, James O'Donnell, Joseph Cullen & Andrew Reid
4 Motets, Op. 9: No. 2, Tantum ergo
Andrew Reid, James O'Donnell, Joseph Cullen & Westminster Cathedral Choir
Messe solennelle, Op. 16: V. Agnus Dei
James O'Donnell, Andrew Reid, Joseph Cullen & Westminster Cathedral Choir
Messe solennelle, Op. 16: IV. Benedictus
James O'Donnell, Andrew Reid, Joseph Cullen & Westminster Cathedral Choir
Messe solennelle, Op. 16: III. Sanctus
Andrew Reid, Joseph Cullen, James O'Donnell & Westminster Cathedral Choir
Messe solennelle, Op. 16: II. Gloria
Andrew Reid, James O'Donnell, Westminster Cathedral Choir & Joseph Cullen
Messe solennelle, Op. 16: I. Kyrie
James O'Donnell, Andrew Reid, Joseph Cullen & Westminster Cathedral Choir