Marcel Beekman Song List
La Finta pazza, Act III Final Scene: La soverchia allegrezza (Licomede, Ulisse, Deidamia, Nodrice, Capitano)
Alejandro Meerapfel, Carlo Vistoli, Mariana Flores, Marcel Beekman, Salvo Vitale, Cappella Mediterranea & Leonardo García Alarcón
La Finta pazza, Act III Scene 2: Non paventate (Licomede, Deidamia, Nodrice)
Alejandro Meerapfel, Mariana Flores, Marcel Beekman, Cappella Mediterranea & Leonardo García Alarcón
La Finta pazza, Act III Scene 1: Quand’ebbi d’oro il crin (Nodrice, Eunuco)
Marcel Beekman, Kacper Szelążek, Cappella Mediterranea & Leonardo García Alarcón
La Finta pazza, Act II Scene 4: È giustissimo il duolo (Nodrice, Deidamia)
Marcel Beekman, Mariana Flores, Cappella Mediterranea & Leonardo García Alarcón
Platée, Acte III: Scène 8, Chœur "Chantons Platée, égayons-nous" (La Folie, Platée, le chœur, Cithéron)
Marc Mauillon, William Christie, Les Arts Florissants, Jeanine De Bique, Marcel Beekman & Arnold Schoenberg Choir
Platée, Acte III: Scène 6, Air "Chantez Platée, égayez-vous" (La Folie, le Chœur, Jupiter, Mercure)
Edwin Crossley-Mercer, William Christie, Les Arts Florissants, Jeanine De Bique, Cyril Auvity & Marcel Beekman
Platée, Acte III: Scènes 5-6, Récit "Je croyais les grâces si fades" (Platée, La Folie) - Récit "Nymphes, votre conquête" (Cithéron)
Marc Mauillon, William Christie, Les Arts Florissants, Marcel Beekman & Jeanine De Bique
Platée, Acte III: Scènes 4-5, Ariette "Amour, lance tes traits" (La Folie) - Annonce des grâce, Loure - Récit (Platée, Momus)
Padraic Rowan, William Christie, Les Arts Florissants, Jeanine De Bique & Marcel Beekman
Platée, Acte III: Scène 4, Annonce de Momus et Récit "Que vois-je ?" (Jupiter, Platée, Mercure, Momus)
Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Padraic Rowan, William Christie, Les Arts Florissants, Marcel Beekman & Cyril Auvity
Platée, Acte III: Scène 3, Air "Dans cette fête" (Platée, Mercure, Jupiter)
Marc Mauillon, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Padraic Rowan, William Christie, Les Arts Florissants, Marcel Beekman & Cyril Auvity
Platée, Acte II: Scène 5, Récit "Je veux finir par un coup de génie" (La Folie, Momus, Cithéron, Mercure, le Chœur, Platée)
Padraic Rowan, William Christie, Les Arts Florissants, Jeanine De Bique, Marcel Beekman & Cyril Auvity
Platée, Acte II: Scène 3, Tonnerre et pluie de feu - Récit "Ciel ! quelle terrible rosée !" (Platée)
Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Padraic Rowan, William Christie, Les Arts Florissants & Marcel Beekman
Platée, Acte II: Scène 3, Air "À l'aspect de ce nuage" (Platée)
William Christie, Les Arts Florissants & Marcel Beekman
Platée, Acte I: Scène 5, Ariette "Quittez, nymphes" (Platée)
William Christie, Les Arts Florissants & Marcel Beekman
Platée, Acte I: Scène 5, Descente de Mercure et Récit "Déesse qui régnez" (Mercure, Platée, Cithéron)
Marc Mauillon, William Christie, Les Arts Florissants, Cyril Auvity & Marcel Beekman
Platée, Acte I: Scène 4, Quatuor "Dis donc" (Platée, le chœur)
Marc Mauillon, William Christie, Les Arts Florissants, Marcel Beekman & Arnold Schoenberg Choir
Platée, Acte I: Scène 4, Air et Récit "Pour un amant qui sait plaire" (Platée, Cithéron)
Marc Mauillon, William Christie, Les Arts Florissants & Marcel Beekman
Platée, Acte I: Scène 4, Récit "Quelque douce inquiétude" (Platée, Cithéron)
Marc Mauillon, William Christie, Les Arts Florissants & Marcel Beekman
Platée, Acte I: Scène 3, Annonce du chœur et Air "Que vos voix m'applaudissent" (Platée, le Chœur)
William Christie, Les Arts Florissants, Marcel Beekman & Arnold Schoenberg Choir
Platée, Acte I: Scène 3, Ariette badine "Que ce séjour est agréable !" (Platée, Clarine)
William Christie, Les Arts Florissants, Marcel Beekman & Emmanuelle De Negri
La fuga del tempo V
Marcel Beekman, Nieuw Amsterdams Peil, Eline van Esch, Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer, Gertjan Loot, Ron Schaaper, Heleen Hulst, Dario Calderone, Gerard Bouwhuis & Niels Meliefste
La fuga del tempo IV
Marcel Beekman, Nieuw Amsterdams Peil, Eline van Esch, Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer, Gertjan Loot, Ron Schaaper, Heleen Hulst, Dario Calderone, Gerard Bouwhuis & Niels Meliefste
La fuga del tempo III
Marcel Beekman, Nieuw Amsterdams Peil, Eline van Esch, Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer, Gertjan Loot, Ron Schaaper, Heleen Hulst, Dario Calderone, Gerard Bouwhuis & Niels Meliefste
La fuga del tempo II
Marcel Beekman, Nieuw Amsterdams Peil, Eline van Esch, Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer, Gertjan Loot, Ron Schaaper, Heleen Hulst, Dario Calderone, Gerard Bouwhuis & Niels Meliefste
La fuga del tempo I
Marcel Beekman, Nieuw Amsterdams Peil, Eline van Esch, Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer, Gertjan Loot, Ron Schaaper, Heleen Hulst, Dario Calderone, Gerard Bouwhuis & Niels Meliefste
L'incoronazione di Poppea, SV 308, Atto II, Scena 9: Felice cor mio (Drusilla, Valletto, Nutrice) [Live]
Ana Quintans, Lea Desandre, Marcel Beekman, William Christie & Les Arts Florissants
L'incoronazione di Poppea, SV 308, Atto II, Scena 3: Amici, è giunta l'hora (Seneca, Famigliari) [Live]
Les Arts Florissants, William Christie, Renato Dolcini, Padraic Rowan, Marcel Beekman & Alessandro Fisher
L'incoronazione di Poppea, SV 308, Atto I, Scena 5: Disprezzata Regina (Ottavia, Nutrice) [Live]
Stéphanie d'Oustrac, Marcel Beekman, Les Arts Florissants & William Christie
Salome, Op. 54, TrV 215, Scene 4: "Siehe, die Zeit ist gekommen" (Jochanaan, Herodias, Herod, Nazarenes, Jews)
Evgeny Nikitin, Alexander Vassiliev, James Creswell, Daniele Gatti, Doris Soffel, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Dietmar Kerschbaum, Lance Ryan, Marcel Beekman, Marcel Reijans, Mark Omvlee & Roger Smeets
The Passion of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai: No. 13, The Burial
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem, Avner Biron, Rona Israel Kolatt, Merav Eldan, Marcel Beekman, Nigel Smith & Amit Ulman
The Passion of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai: No. 12, Rabbi Shimon's Illness
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem, Avner Biron, Rona Israel Kolatt, Merav Eldan, Marcel Beekman, Nigel Smith & Amit Ulman
The Passion of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai: No. 11, Shimon bar Yochai and the Angel of Destruction
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem, Avner Biron, Rona Israel Kolatt, Merav Eldan, Marcel Beekman, Nigel Smith & Amit Ulman
The Passion of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai: No. 10, Shimon bar Yochai and the Angel of Death
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem, Avner Biron, Rona Israel Kolatt, Merav Eldan, Marcel Beekman, Nigel Smith & Amit Ulman
The Passion of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai: No. 9, The Leaving of the Cave
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem, Avner Biron, Rona Israel Kolatt, Merav Eldan, Marcel Beekman, Nigel Smith & Amit Ulman
The Passion of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai: No. 8, Rabbi Shimon in the Cave
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem, Avner Biron, Rona Israel Kolatt, Merav Eldan, Marcel Beekman, Nigel Smith & Amit Ulman
The Passion of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai: No. 7, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem, Avner Biron, Rona Israel Kolatt, Merav Eldan, Marcel Beekman, Nigel Smith & Amit Ulman
The Passion of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai: No. 6, Destruction and Exile
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem, Avner Biron, Rona Israel Kolatt, Merav Eldan, Marcel Beekman, Nigel Smith & Amit Ulman
The Passion of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai: No. 5, The Book of Lamentations
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem, Avner Biron, Rona Israel Kolatt, Merav Eldan, Marcel Beekman, Nigel Smith & Amit Ulman
The Passion of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai: No. 4, Shechinah
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem, Avner Biron, Rona Israel Kolatt, Merav Eldan, Marcel Beekman, Nigel Smith & Amit Ulman
The Passion of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai: No. 3, Lilith
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem, Avner Biron, Rona Israel Kolatt, Merav Eldan, Marcel Beekman, Nigel Smith & Amit Ulman
The Passion of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai: No. 2, The Other Side
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem, Avner Biron, Rona Israel Kolatt, Merav Eldan, Marcel Beekman, Nigel Smith & Amit Ulman
The Passion of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai: No. 1, The Creation of the World
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem, Avner Biron, Rona Israel Kolatt, Merav Eldan, Marcel Beekman, Nigel Smith & Amit Ulman
Theatre of the World: Scene 8
Leigh Melrose, Reinbert de Leeuw, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Cristina Zavalloni, Lindsay Kesselman & Marcel Beekman
Theatre of the World: Scene 7
Leigh Melrose, Reinbert de Leeuw, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Lindsay Kesselman & Marcel Beekman
Theatre of the World: Scene 6
Leigh Melrose, Mattijs van de Woerd, Reinbert de Leeuw, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Cristina Zavalloni, Lindsay Kesselman & Marcel Beekman
Theatre of the World: Scene 5
Leigh Melrose, Reinbert de Leeuw, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Lindsay Kesselman & Marcel Beekman
Theatre of the World: Scene 4
Leigh Melrose, Reinbert de Leeuw, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Cristina Zavalloni, Lindsay Kesselman & Marcel Beekman
Theatre of the World: Scene 3
Leigh Melrose, Reinbert de Leeuw, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Lindsay Kesselman & Marcel Beekman
Jesu der du meine Seele, BWV 78: IV. Aria. "Das Blut, so meine Schuld durchstreicht"
Akademia, Françoise Lasserre & Marcel Beekman
Preise, Jerusalem, den Herrn, BWV 119: III. Aria. Wohl dir, du Volk der Linden (Tenore)
Marcel Beekman, Holland Boys Choir, Netherlands Bach Collegium & Pieter Jan Leusink
Preise, Jerusalem, den Herrn, BWV 119: II. Recitativo. Gesegnet Land, glückselge Stadt (Tenore)
Marcel Beekman, Holland Boys Choir, Netherlands Bach Collegium & Pieter Jan Leusink
Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, "Choral": IV. Allegro ma non tanto: Freude, Tochter aus Elysium (Quartet, Chorus)
Wilke te Brummelstroete, Laurens Collegium, Michael Tews, Rebecca Nash, Laurens Cantorij, Orchestra of the 18th Century, Frans Brüggen & Marcel Beekman
Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, "Choral": IV. Allegro energico, sempre ben marcato: Seid umschlungen (Chorus) -
Wilke te Brummelstroete, Laurens Collegium, Michael Tews, Frans Brüggen, Marcel Beekman, Rebecca Nash, Laurens Cantorij & Orchestra of the 18th Century
Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, "Choral": IV. Andante maestoso: Seid umschlungen - Adagio ma non troppo, ma divoto: Ihr sturzt nieder (Chorus) -
Orchestra of the 18th Century, Wilke te Brummelstroete, Laurens Collegium, Michael Tews, Frans Brüggen, Marcel Beekman, Rebecca Nash & Laurens Cantorij
Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, "Choral": IV. Allegro assai vivace. Alla marcia - Froh, froh! (Tenor, Chorus) -
Orchestra of the 18th Century, Rebecca Nash, Laurens Cantorij, Wilke te Brummelstroete, Laurens Collegium, Michael Tews, Frans Brüggen & Marcel Beekman
Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, "Choral": IV. Allegro assai: Freude, Freude (Bass, Chorus) -
Wilke te Brummelstroete, Laurens Collegium, Michael Tews, Frans Brüggen, Marcel Beekman, Rebecca Nash, Laurens Cantorij & Orchestra of the 18th Century
Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, "Choral": IV. Recitativo: O Freunde, Nicht Diese Tone! (Bass) -
Wilke te Brummelstroete, Laurens Collegium, Michael Tews, Frans Brüggen, Marcel Beekman, Rebecca Nash, Laurens Cantorij & Orchestra of the 18th Century
Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, "Choral": IV. Finale: Presto -
Wilke te Brummelstroete, Laurens Collegium, Michael Tews, Frans Brüggen, Marcel Beekman, Rebecca Nash, Laurens Cantorij & Orchestra of the 18th Century
Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, "Choral": III. Adagio molto e cantabile - Andante moderato
Laurens Cantorij, Orchestra of the 18th Century, Wilke te Brummelstroete, Laurens Collegium, Michael Tews, Frans Brüggen, Marcel Beekman & Rebecca Nash
Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, "Choral": II. Molto vivace
Orchestra of the 18th Century, Laurens Cantorij, Wilke te Brummelstroete, Laurens Collegium, Michael Tews, Frans Brüggen, Marcel Beekman & Rebecca Nash
Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, "Choral": I. Allegro ma non troppo, un poco maestoso
Laurens Cantorij, Orchestra of the 18th Century, Wilke te Brummelstroete, Laurens Collegium, Michael Tews, Frans Brüggen, Marcel Beekman & Rebecca Nash
Symphony No. 5 in A Minor, "Der Schnitter Tod": III. Allegretto
David Porcelijn, Marcel Beekman & Netherlands Symphony Orchestra
Symphony No. 5 in A Minor, "Der Schnitter Tod": II. Poco andante
David Porcelijn, Marcel Beekman & Netherlands Symphony Orchestra
Symphony No. 5 in A Minor, "Der Schnitter Tod": I. Allegro con spirito
David Porcelijn, Marcel Beekman & Netherlands Symphony Orchestra
Legende: The Third Step
Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Marcel Beekman, Reinbert de Leeuw & Thomas Oliemans
Legende: Zamar's Propaganda Music
Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Marcel Beekman, Reinbert de Leeuw & Thomas Oliemans
Legende: Zamar's Speech
Chorus of De Nederlandse Opera, Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Marcel Beekman & Reinbert de Leeuw
Legende: Zamar's Aria and Execution
Chorus of De Nederlandse Opera, Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Marcel Beekman, Reinbert de Leeuw & Thomas Oliemans
Legende: Pontus Explains
Chorus of De Nederlandse Opera, Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Marcel Beekman, Reinbert de Leeuw & Thomas Oliemans
Legende: Nauseous!
Chorus of De Nederlandse Opera, Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Marcel Beekman, Reinbert de Leeuw, Thomas Oliemans, Helena Rasker & Yves Saelens
Legende: Zamar's Entrance
Chorus of De Nederlandse Opera, Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Marcel Beekman, Reinbert de Leeuw & Dennis Wilgenhof
Der Sturm, Act II: Scene 1, Eine andere Gegend der Insel
Ethan Herschenfeld, Andreas Macco, James Gilchrist, Josef Franz Wagner, Marcel Beekman, Netherlands Radio Choir, Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra & Thierry Fischer
St John Passion, BWV 245: Part II: Arioso: Mein Herz, indem die ganze Welt (Tenor)
Orchestra of the 18th Century, Marcel Beekman & Frans Brüggen
St John Passion, BWV 245: Part II: Aria: Erwage, wie sein blutgefarbter Rucken (Tenor)
Frans Brüggen, Orchestra of the 18th Century & Marcel Beekman
St John Passion, BWV 245: Part I: Aria: Ach, mein Sinn, wo willt du endlich hin (Tenor)
Frans Brüggen, Orchestra of the 18th Century & Marcel Beekman
Jesu der du meine Seele, BWV 78: III. Recitativo. Ach ! Ich bin ein Kind der Sünden
Akademia, Françoise Lasserre & Marcel Beekman
Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich, BWV 150: V. Aria. Zedern müssen von den Winden
Akademia, Françoise Lasserre, Damien Guillon & Marcel Beekman
Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, BWV 12: VI. Aria Sei getreu, alle Pein
Akademia, Françoise Lasserre & Marcel Beekman