Dame Emma Kirkby Song List
Dido and Aeneas, Act 2: Ritornelle - "Thanks to These Lonesome Vales"
Dame Emma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music Chorus, Academy of Ancient Music & Christopher Hogwood
Cleofide: Act I Scene 13: Marcia degl'indiani
Rheinische Kantorei, Dame Emma Kirkby, Dominique Visse, William Christie, Agnes Mellon, Cappella Coloniensis, Randalk K. Wong, David Cordier & Derek Lee Ragin
Nulla in Mundo Pax, R.630: Blande Colore.Spirat Anguis Inter Flores
Dame Emma Kirkby, Christopher Hogwood & Academy of Ancient Music
Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen Cantata, BWV 51: Aria: "Höchster, Höchster mache deine Güte ferner alle Morgen neu"
Dame Emma Kirkby, John Eliot Gardiner & English Baroque Soloists
Orlando: Consolati O Bella
Christopher Hogwood, Academy of Ancient Music, Arleen Auger, Dame Emma Kirkby & Catherine Robbin
Orlando: S'è Corrisposto un Core.Amor È Qual Vento
Dame Emma Kirkby, Christopher Hogwood & Academy of Ancient Music
12 Songs, Op. 16: No. 6, Sweet Was the Sun's Last Parting Ray
Dame Emma Kirkby & Mallorca Ars Musicae
12 Songs, Op. 4: No. 2, My Banks They Are Furnish'd with Bees
Dame Emma Kirkby & Mallorca Ars Musicae
12 Canzonets, Op. 9: No. 8, O Venus! Hear My Ardent Pray'r
Irene Mas Salom, Dame Emma Kirkby & Mallorca Ars Musicae
12 Canzonets, Op. 9: No. 5, Ah! Where Does My Phillida Stray?
Dame Emma Kirkby, Charles Daniels & Mallorca Ars Musicae
12 Canzonets, Op. 9: No. 1, Time Has Not Thinn'd My Flowing Hair
Irene Mas Salom, Dame Emma Kirkby & Mallorca Ars Musicae
Book of Songs, Book 2: No. 3, Sorrow, Stay (Arr. William Wigthorpe)
Chelys Consort of Viols & Dame Emma Kirkby
Book of Songs, Book 2: No. 5, Mourn, Mourn, Day Is with Darkness Fled
Dame Emma Kirkby & James Akers
Book of Songs, Book 2: No. 2, If Floods of Tears Could Cleanse My Follies Past
Chelys Consort of Viols, Dame Emma Kirkby & James Akers
If I Could Shut the Gate Against My Thoughts
Chelys Consort of Viols, Dame Emma Kirkby & James Akers
"O holder Tag, erwünschte Zeit" Cantata, BWV 210: 1. "O holder Tag, erwünschte Zeit"
Dame Emma Kirkby, Christopher Hogwood & Academy of Ancient Music
Messiah, HWV 56 /- Pt 1: But who may abide the day of his coming
Dame Emma Kirkby, Christopher Hogwood & Academy of Ancient Music
Duet. Non si move onda in fiume
Dame Emma Kirkby, Harmonices Mundi, Claudio Astronio & Sergio Foresti
Duet. Si, quella tu sei che il mio cor Sempre adorò
Dame Emma Kirkby, Harmonices Mundi, Claudio Astronio & Sergio Foresti
Duet. Ahi, che posar non puote
Dame Emma Kirkby, Harmonices Mundi, Claudio Astronio & Sergio Foresti
Duet. Me ne farete tante che più non soffrirò
Dame Emma Kirkby, Harmonices Mundi, Claudio Astronio & Sergio Foresti
The Seasons: Accompagnato. "Ye woodlands all, awake." (Soprano)
Wolfgang Riedelbauch, Dame Emma Kirkby & La Banda
The Seasons: Duetto. "The thunder rolls." (Soprano, Alto)
Dame Emma Kirkby, Wolfgang Riedelbauch, Tim Mead & La Banda
The Seasons: Accompagnato. "Great source of day." (Soprano)
Wolfgang Riedelbauch, Dame Emma Kirkby & La Banda
The Seasons: Air. "His praise, ye brooks, attune." (Soprano)
Wolfgang Riedelbauch, Dame Emma Kirkby & La Banda
The Seasons: The Spring, Air. "Wide glow the fields." (Soprano)
Wolfgang Riedelbauch, Dame Emma Kirkby & La Banda
The Seasons: The Spring, Recitative. "Forth in the pleasing Spring." (Soprano)
Wolfgang Riedelbauch, Dame Emma Kirkby & La Banda
"Love's but the frailty of the mind", HWV 218
Dame Emma Kirkby, Katherine Sharman, David Miller & Paul Nicholson
24 English Songs, HWV 228: No. 11, "I like the amorous youth that's free"
Dame Emma Kirkby, Adrian Butterfield, Katherine Sharman, David Miller & Paul Nicholson
24 English Songs, HWV 228: No. 19, "Twas when the seas were roaring"
Dame Emma Kirkby, Katherine Sharman, David Miller & Paul Nicholson
24 English Songs, HWV 228: No. 1, The Unhappy Lovers
Dame Emma Kirkby, Katherine Sharman, David Miller & Paul Nicholson
24 English Songs, HWV 228: No. 23, An Answer to Collin's Complaint
Dame Emma Kirkby, Katherine Sharman, David Miller & Paul Nicholson
Di godere ha speranza il mio core, HWV 228
Dame Emma Kirkby, Katherine Sharman, David Miller & Paul Nicholson
No. se emendará jamás, HWV 140, "Cantata spagnuola": Aria. Dicente mis ojos
Dame Emma Kirkby, Katherine Sharman, David Miller & Paul Nicholson
2 Songs: No. 2, Quand on suit l'amoureuse loi
Dame Emma Kirkby, Katherine Sharman, David Miller & Paul Nicholson
Sans y penser, HWV 155: Récitatif. Vous ne sauriez flatter ma peine (Silvie)
Dame Emma Kirkby, Katherine Sharman, David Miller & Paul Nicholson
Sans y penser, HWV 155: Air. Nos plaisirs seront peu durables (Silvie)
Dame Emma Kirkby, Katherine Sharman, David Miller & Paul Nicholson
Sans y penser, HWV 155: Chanson. Sans y penser (Silvie)
Dame Emma Kirkby, Katherine Sharman, David Miller & Paul Nicholson
Motet pour le jour de Påques: Victoria, Christo resurgenti
Judith Nelson, Dame Emma Kirkby, Jane Ryan & Christopher Hogwood
Trois leçons de Ténèbres: Troisième leçon à deux voix
Dame Emma Kirkby, Christopher Hogwood, Jane Ryan & Judith Nelson
Trois leçons de Ténèbres: Seconde leçon à deux voix
Dame Emma Kirkby, Jane Ryan & Christopher Hogwood
Don Quixote, Act 2: While Thus We Bow
The Purcell Simfony, Consort of Musicke, Roger Allam, Joseph Cornwell, Simon Grant, Andrew King, Dame Emma Kirkby, David Thomas & Evelyn Tubb
Don Quixote, Act 2: Genius of England
The Purcell Simfony, Consort of Musicke, Joseph Cornwell & Dame Emma Kirkby
Don Quixote, Act 2: Happy Mortals
The Purcell Simfony, Consort of Musicke, Sam Dastor, Roy Hudd, Dame Emma Kirkby, Paul Scofield, David Thomas & Evelyn Tubb
Don Quixote, Act 2: Ye Nymphs & Sylvan Gods
Consort of Musicke, Roy Hudd, Dame Emma Kirkby, Paul Scofield & Peter Woodward
Don Quixote, Act 1: With This Sacred Charming Wand
The Purcell Simfony, Simon Grant, Roy Hudd, Dame Emma Kirkby, Paul Scofield & Evelyn Tubb
Don Quixote, Act 1: The Dirge
The Purcell Simfony, Consort of Musicke, Roy Hudd, Dame Emma Kirkby, Paul Scofield, David Thomas, Evelyn Tubb & Peter Woodward
Ben qui si mostra il ciel
Consort of Musicke, Joseph Cornwell, Andrey King, Dame Emma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley, David Thomas, Evelyn Tubb & Richard Wistreich
Così di ben amar
Consort of Musicke, Joseph Cornwell, Andrey King, Dame Emma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley, David Thomas, Evelyn Tubb & Richard Wistreich
Con esperancas espero
Consort of Musicke, Joseph Cornwell, Andrey King, Dame Emma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley, David Thomas, Evelyn Tubb & Richard Wistreich
Anima eletta
Consort of Musicke, Joseph Cornwell, Andrey King, Dame Emma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley, David Thomas, Evelyn Tubb & Richard Wistreich
Mesta ti scorgo
Consort of Musicke, Joseph Cornwell, Andrey King, Dame Emma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley, David Thomas, Evelyn Tubb & Richard Wistreich
O bella Clori
Consort of Musicke, Joseph Cornwell, Andrey King, Dame Emma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley, David Thomas, Evelyn Tubb & Richard Wistreich
Se nasce in cielo
Consort of Musicke, Joseph Cornwell, Andrey King, Dame Emma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley, David Thomas, Evelyn Tubb & Richard Wistreich
Ecco, ch'un'altra volta
Consort of Musicke, Joseph Cornwell, Andrey King, Dame Emma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley, David Thomas, Evelyn Tubb & Richard Wistreich
Sì da me pur mi desviano
Consort of Musicke, Joseph Cornwell, Andrey King, Dame Emma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley, David Thomas, Evelyn Tubb & Richard Wistreich
Musu, Amor porta novella
Consort of Musicke, Joseph Cornwell, Andrey King, Dame Emma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley, David Thomas, Evelyn Tubb & Richard Wistreich
Che farai, Meliseo?
Consort of Musicke, Joseph Cornwell, Andrey King, Dame Emma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley, David Thomas, Evelyn Tubb & Richard Wistreich
Ahi, ch s'accresce in mel'usato adore
Consort of Musicke, Joseph Cornwell, Andrey King, Dame Emma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley, David Thomas, Evelyn Tubb & Richard Wistreich