Susan Roberts Song List
Les noces, Pt. 2: Quatrième tableau. Le repas de noces (Live)
Susan Roberts, Micaela Bonetti, Robert Tear, Michel Brodard, Peter Frankl, Mari Kodama, Momo Kodama, Andrew Ball, Stéphane David, David Goodman, Jacques Hostettler, Ludwig Nilsson, Bernard Winter, Hallé Choir & Kent Nagano
Les noces, Pt. 1: Troisième tableau. Le départ de la mariée (Live)
Susan Roberts, Micaela Bonetti, Robert Tear, Michel Brodard, Peter Frankl, Mari Kodama, Momo Kodama, Andrew Ball, Stéphane David, David Goodman, Jacques Hostettler, Ludwig Nilsson, Bernard Winter, Hallé Choir & Kent Nagano
Les noces, Pt. 1: Deuxième tableau. Chez le marié (Live)
Susan Roberts, Micaela Bonetti, Robert Tear, Michel Brodard, Peter Frankl, Mari Kodama, Momo Kodama, Andrew Ball, Stéphane David, David Goodman, Jacques Hostettler, Ludwig Nilsson, Bernard Winter, Hallé Choir & Kent Nagano
Les noces, Pt. 1: Premier tableau. La tresse (Live)
Susan Roberts, Micaela Bonetti, Robert Tear, Michel Brodard, Peter Frankl, Mari Kodama, Momo Kodama, Andrew Ball, Stéphane David, David Goodman, Jacques Hostettler, Ludwig Nilsson, Bernard Winter, Hallé Choir & Kent Nagano
Trionfo di Afrodite - VII Apparizione di Afrodite
Muhai Tang, Susan Roberts, Thomas Dewald, Lisa Griffith, Ulrich Ress, Thomas Mohr, Frankfurter Singakademie, Frankfurter Kantorei, Figuralchor Frankfurt, Cäcilienchor & Königlich Flämische Philharmoinie
Trionfo di Afrodite - VI Canto dei novelli sposi dal talamo
Muhai Tang, Susan Roberts, Thomas Dewald, Lisa Griffith, Ulrich Ress, Thomas Mohr, Frankfurter Singakademie, Frankfurter Kantorei, Figuralchor Frankfurt, Cäcilienchor & Königlich Flämische Philharmoinie
Trionfo di Afrodite - Epitalamo
Muhai Tang, Susan Roberts, Thomas Dewald, Lisa Griffith, Ulrich Ress, Thomas Mohr, Frankfurter Singakademie, Frankfurter Kantorei, Figuralchor Frankfurt, Cäcilienchor & Königlich Flämische Philharmoinie
Trionfo di Afrodite - La sposa viene condotta alla camera nuziale
Muhai Tang, Susan Roberts, Thomas Dewald, Lisa Griffith, Ulrich Ress, Thomas Mohr, Frankfurter Singakademie, Frankfurter Kantorei, Figuralchor Frankfurt, Cäcilienchor & Königlich Flämische Philharmoinie
Trionfo di Afrodite - La sposa viene accolta
Muhai Tang, Susan Roberts, Thomas Dewald, Lisa Griffith, Ulrich Ress, Thomas Mohr, Frankfurter Singakademie, Frankfurter Kantorei, Figuralchor Frankfurt, Cäcilienchor & Königlich Flämische Philharmoinie
Trionfo di Afrodite - IV. Invocazione dell'Imeneo - Inno All'Imeneo
Muhai Tang, Susan Roberts, Thomas Dewald, Lisa Griffith, Ulrich Ress, Thomas Mohr, Frankfurter Singakademie, Frankfurter Kantorei, Figuralchor Frankfurt, Cäcilienchor & Königlich Flämische Philharmoinie
Trionfo di Afrodite - III. Sposa e sposo
Muhai Tang, Susan Roberts, Thomas Dewald, Lisa Griffith, Ulrich Ress, Thomas Mohr, Frankfurter Singakademie, Frankfurter Kantorei, Figuralchor Frankfurt, Cäcilienchor & Königlich Flämische Philharmoinie
Trionfo di Afrodite - II. Corteo nuziale ed arrivo della sposa e dello sposo
Muhai Tang, Susan Roberts, Thomas Dewald, Lisa Griffith, Ulrich Ress, Thomas Mohr, Frankfurter Singakademie, Frankfurter Kantorei, Figuralchor Frankfurt, Cäcilienchor & Königlich Flämische Philharmoinie
Trionfo di Afrodite - I. Canto amebeo di Vergine e Giovani a vespero in attesa della sposa e dello sposo
Muhai Tang, Susan Roberts, Thomas Dewald, Lisa Griffith, Ulrich Ress, Thomas Mohr, Frankfurter Singakademie, Frankfurter Kantorei, Figuralchor Frankfurt, Cäcilienchor & Königlich Flämische Philharmoinie
Les noces, Pt. I, Premier tableau: "La tresse"
Martha Argerich, Susan Roberts, Helene Schneidermann, Daniel Norman, Carsten Wittmoser, Yulia Zaichkina, Alexander Mogilevsky, Alexander Gurning, Lugano Percussion Group, Diego Fasolis & Coro della Radiotelevisione Svizzera di Lugano
Les noces, Pt. II, Quatrième tableau: Le repas de noces
Martha Argerich, Susan Roberts, Helene Schneidermann, Daniel Norman, Carsten Wittmoser, Yulia Zaichkina, Alexander Mogilevsky, Alexander Gurning, Lugano Percussion Group, Diego Fasolis & Coro della Radiotelevisione Svizzera di Lugano
Les noces, Pt. II, Troisième tableau: Le départ de la mariée
Martha Argerich, Susan Roberts, Helene Schneidermann, Daniel Norman, Carsten Wittmoser, Yulia Zaichkina, Alexander Mogilevsky, Alexander Gurning, Lugano Percussion Group, Diego Fasolis & Coro della Radiotelevisione Svizzera di Lugano
Les noces, Pt. I, Deuxième tableau: Chez le marié
Martha Argerich, Susan Roberts, Helene Schneidermann, Daniel Norman, Carsten Wittmoser, Yulia Zaichkina, Alexander Mogilevsky, Alexander Gurning, Lugano Percussion Group, Diego Fasolis & Coro della Radiotelevisione Svizzera di Lugano
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Three, Appendix, "Paulus Sandte Hin Und Ließ Fordern" (Recitative)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Three, Appendix, "O Treuer Heiland Jesu Christ" (Chorale)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Three, Appendix, "Schnell Aber War Ein Großes Erdbeben" (Recitative)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Three, Appendix, "Gelobet Sei Gott" (Duet)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Three, Appendix, "Lobt Ihn Mit Pfeiffen" (Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Three, Appendix, "Danket Den Göttern" (Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Three, Appendix, "Danket Dem Gott", "Danket Dem Herrn, Dem Freundlichen Gott" (Recitative, Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Three, Appendix, "Die Unter Euch Gott Fürchten" (Recitative)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Three, Appendix, "Herr Gott, Daß Die Reiche Ist Erscheine!" (Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Three, Appendix, "Die Menge Der Gläubigen War Ein Herz Und Eine Seele" (Recitative)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Three, Appendix, "Ach Bleib Mit Deiner Gnade Bei Uns Herr Jesu Christ" (Chorale)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Seven, "Nicht Aber Ihm Allein, Sondern Allen" (Final Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Seven, "Und Wenn Er Gleich Geopfert Wird..." (Recitative)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Seven, "Sehet, Welch Eine Liebe Hat Uns Der Vater Erzeiget" (Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Seven, "Schone Doch Deiner Selbst!" (Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Seven, "Paulus Sandte Hin Und Ließ Fordern" (Recitative)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Six, "Sei Getreu Bis In Den Tod" (Cavatina)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Six, "Und Sie Alle Verfolgten Paulus Auf Seinem Wege" (Recitative)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Six, "Hier Ist Des Herren Tempel" (Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Six, "Da Ward Das Volk Erreget Wider Sie" (Recitative)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Five, "Da Das Die Apostel Hörten", "Wisset Ihn Nicht, Daß Ihn Gottes Tempel Seid" (Recitative, Aria)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Five, "Seid Uns Gnädig, Hohe Götter" (Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Five, "Und Nannten Barnabas Jupiter, Und Paulus Mercurius" (Recitative)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Five, "Die Götter Sind Den Menschen Geich Geworden" (Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Five, "Und Es War Ein Mann Zu Lystra" (Recitative)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Four, "Denn Also Hat Uns Der Herr Geboten" (Duet)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Four, "Paulus Aber Und Barnabu Sprachen Frei Und Öffentlich" (Recitative)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Four, "Ist Das Nicht, Der Zu Jerusalem", "O Jesu Christe Wahres Licht" (Chorus, Choral)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Four, "Da Aber Die Juden Das Volk Sah'n" (Recitative)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Three, "Und Wie Sie Ausgesandt Von Dem Heil'gen Geist", "Laßt Uns Singen Von Der Gnade Des Herrn Ewiglich!" (Recitative, Arioso)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Three, "Wie Lieblich Wind Die Boten" (Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Three, "So Sind Wir Nun Botschafter..." (Duettino)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Three, "Und Paulus Kam Zu Der Gemeinde" (Recitative)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Three, "Der Erdkreis Ist Nun Des Herrn" (Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene Two, "O Welch Wine Tiefe" (Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene Two, "Und Ananias Ging Hin" (Recitative)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene Two, "Ich Danke Dir, Herr, Mein Gott" (Aria With Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene Two, "Es War Aber Ein Jünger Zu Damaskus" (Recitative)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene Two, "Gott, Sei Mir Gnädig Nach Deiner Güte" (Aria)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene Two, "Die Männer Aber, Die Seine Gefährten Waren" (Recitative)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene Two, "Wachet Auf, Ruft Uns Die Stimme" (Chorale)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene Two, "Mache Dich Auf, Werde Licht" (Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene Two, "Und Als Er Auf Dem Wege War" (Recitative)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene Two, "Und Zog Mit Einer Schar", "Doch Der Herr Vergißt Der Seinen Nicht" (Recitative, Arioso)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene Two, "Saulus Aber Zerstörte Die Gemeinde", "Vertilge Sie, Herr Zebaoth, Wie Stoppeln Vor..." (Recitative, Aria)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene One, "Siehe, Wir Preisen Selig, Die Erduldet" (Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene One, "Und Die Zeugen Legten Ab Ihre Kleider" (Recitative)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene One, "Und Sie Steinigten Ihn...", "Dir, Herr, Dir Will Ich Mich Ergeben" (Recitative, Chorale)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene One, "Sie Aber Stürmten Auf Ihn Ein...", "Steiniget Ihn" (Recitative, Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene One, "Jerusalem! Die Du Tötest Die Propheten" (Aria)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene One, "Und Sie Sahen Auf Ihn Alle" (Recitative)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene One, "Dieser Mensch Hört Nicht Auf Zu Reden Lästerworte" (Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene One, "Die Menge Der Gläubigen", "Wir Haben Ihn Gehört Lästerworte" (Recitative, Duet)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Chorale: "Allein Gott In Der Höh Sei Ehr" (Chorale)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Chorus: "Herr, Der Du Bist Der Gott" (Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Ouverture/Overture
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chorus, Susan Roberts, Ruby Philogene, Glenn Siebert, Mark Beesley, Christopher Bell & Leon Botstein
Messiah : Part 3 "If God be for us" [Soprano]
Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Susan Roberts, Yehudi Menuhin & George Frideric Handel
Messiah : Part 3 "I know that my Redeemer liveth" [Soprano]
Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Susan Roberts, Yehudi Menuhin & George Frideric Handel
Messiah : Part 2 "How beautiful are the feet" [Soprano]
Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Susan Roberts, Yehudi Menuhin & George Frideric Handel
Messiah : Part 1 "He shall feed his flock" [Alto, Soprano]
Liliana Bizineche-Eisinger, Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Susan Roberts, Yehudi Menuhin & George Frideric Handel
Messiah : Part 1 "Rejoice greatly" [Soprano]
Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Susan Roberts, Yehudi Menuhin & George Frideric Handel
Messiah : Part 1 "And suddenly there was with the angel" [Soprano]
Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Susan Roberts, Yehudi Menuhin & George Frideric Handel
Messiah : Part 1 "And the angel said unto them" [Soprano]
Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Susan Roberts, Yehudi Menuhin & George Frideric Handel
Messiah : Part 1 "And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them" [Soprano]
Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Susan Roberts, Yehudi Menuhin & George Frideric Handel
Messiah : Part 1 "There were shepherds abiding in the fields" [Soprano]
Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Susan Roberts, Yehudi Menuhin & George Frideric Handel
Die Zauberflöte, K. 620, Act 2: Nur Stille, Stille (Monostatos, Königin Der Nacht, Die Drei Damen)
John Eliot Gardiner, Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, Susan Roberts, Carola Guber, Maria Jonas, Uwe Peper, Cyndia Sieden & Harry Peeters
Die Zauberflöte, K. 620, Act 1: Dialog "Rüste Dich Mit Mut Und Standhaftigkeit" (Die Drei Damen, Tamino)
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists, Michael Schade, Susan Roberts, Carola Guber & Maria Jonas
Die Zauberflöte, K. 620, Act 1: Hm! Hm! Hm! Hm! (Papageno, Tamino, Die Drei Damen)
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists, Susan Roberts, Carola Guber, Maria Jonas, Michael Schade & Gerald Finley
Die Zauberflöte, K. 620, Act 2: Wie? Wie? Wie? (Die Drei Damen, Papageno, Tamino)
John Eliot Gardiner, Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, Gerald Finley, Michael Schade, Susan Roberts, Carola Guber & Maria Jonas
Die Zauberflöte, K. 620, Act 1: Dialog "He Da!" (Tamino, Papageno, Die Drei Damen)
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists, Gerald Finley, Michael Schade, Susan Roberts, Carola Guber & Maria Jonas
Die Zauberflöte, K. 620, Act 1: Zu Hilfe! Zu Hilfe! (Tamino, Die DreI. Damen)
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists, Michael Schade, Susan Roberts, Carola Guber & Maria Jonas
Parsifal, Act 2: "Parsifal! Weile!"
Waltraud Meier, Bayreuth Festival Orchestra, James Levine, Peter Hofmann, Deborah Sasson, Susan Roberts, Monika Schmitt, Alison Browner, Hilde Leidland & Margit Neubauer